PHYSICAL FITNESS AND NATIONAL DEFENSE Resolution adopted by the National Collegiate Athletic Association at its Annual Convention, Hotel New Yorker, New York City, December 30 - 31, 1940. Supporting the action taken during the course of the past year by its Executive Committee in urging its member col- leges and universities to expand and intensify their pro- grams of intercollegiate athletics, intramural athletics and physical training for their student bodies as a contribution to the cause of national defense, the National Collegiate Ath- letic Association now meeting in session at its thirty-fifth Annual Convention gives its full affirmation to such pro- grams, and in addition makes these recommendations to its member institutions: 1. That to the full extent of their resources they expand their researches in the fields of public health, physical training and allied problems and their programs for ine training of teachers and leaders in these same fields ; 2. That they make available their facilities and their trained personnel to the youth of the local communi- ties and the surrounding regions, and that they cooper- ate fully with such non-college organizations as the American Legion, the Athletic Institute, and all other well-established service clubs and societies to promote sports, physical training and health programs through- out their communities and the nation at large. 3. That to all branches of the armed services of the gov- ernment they stand ready to codéperate, through their facilities and staffs, in extending every possible aid at their disposal in support of programs making for physical fitness and high morale.