1, Oswald Road, Chori ton-cum-Hardy, MANCHESTER, 21, eer Se. 90 Dear “reAlien, as * - heave hea the pleasure of reviewing your BETTER BASTETSALL for the “Manchester City News (May 29,1939}, having obtained a eopy from the London office of the MoGraw-Hiil Babkignins Cd 4: ta. 4 Later Ze asheé Mesera.MeGraw-Hili for @ copy of your EY BASRETBALL BIBLE for review purposes but they told me they had never beast of. he hook ! ‘I wonder if I would be imposing on youlat I asked youto let me have a copy. f an particularly anxious to add this work to ay anal} itbrary | on baigkethall ~ the Tinest game in the “sorla ! iI shall review it, of course. Perhaps you may hel: me in other res- pects, too. Could you favour me with photographa of yourself and DPr.Janes Naismith, whe, I am ven to understand, is still a member of the faculty of Kansas Univergity< Any biographical date about both of you would Bsa be welc med. | If you have written any other books on the hoo> game I shovld appreciate details. Bagketball has not yet been adosted in Britain in a big way. The public sti?1 confuses the sport with the girls’ game, netball : The war has dealt basketball a hasty blow, for all the Mormon missionaries, who were the backbone of Ensiish basketball, have returned to the States. But our National —— is to