fo the Sdueation Faculty: dering some service to schoolscover the state, with regard to assisting then in meeting the problems of war, and planning for post-war problems, submits the following ongquetion for your consideration. ie 1s te guepeeed te enepide & Bat of obecsl arses of Geek on which would be of interest to different groups of teachers and administrators, and which the personnel of the Education and University staff are qualified to discuss. &» Samples of these would bes le Abiniateehion peckheaeten tants 2. Musie and Music Education--Dr, Gaston 3. Physieal Education and Health--Dr, Allen and Miss Hoover 4. Stueebionsl Keneareat wal BeatastionDr, OBrien Se ching--0; Methods of Teachinge-Dr, Bayles bs Montel Hygiene and Children Whe Are Different=-Dr, Turney 7» Reading Difficulties and Special Disabilities in Learning--Dr. Nash 8. Arithmetic Disabilities of Children--Dr. Russell 9. Secial Science Problems--Ruth Litchen This list would be submitted to the local committee of an area or district where a conference center is planned, for them to select the four or five areas in which they might be interested. The "team" i ee ee OP Se re Semmes areas involved. The-arens wr districts would be organised by some representative of et ee ee ee, , superintendents, principals and county su or ext Sf the sun sven Sekethar tas’ MICIEIT igen ao p poorsale Wl ocati all the school leaders in the area s L “Sebetha would be con- tacted for assistance, These leaders would take the lead in : the conference and getting the teachers interested. It is probable en ee ee the county in which Sabetha is located, The plan ould sible two periods. One of these could be sectional meetings with each of the interest groups meeting separately for a discussion of the local problems and what might he done, The changing needs of communities, and the projection of heeds of the future could be brought into the discussion, The K.U. representative would lead the discussion.