January 9, 1945. ‘Mr. Ray Michols, Principal, Auburn High School, 7 Auburn, Kansas. . Dear Mr. Hichols: : Thank you for your kind letter regarding our basketball teem. Our next home game is Wednesday, January 13th, and the one following that is on February 6th, with Iowa State here. We will be glad to have you and your boys as our guests, end if there are not more than six or eight in your party Mr. Falkenstien, financial secretary of the Athletic Association, informs me that he will be glad to issue passes to you for the game you attend. However, we camot guarantee seats, as it may be necessary for the boys to stand. Let us know when you are coming and we will be happy to arrange passes for you. Cordially yours, ‘Direotor of Physical Edusation, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.