August 11, 1941, Dr. Williem B. Needles, President, Northern Illinois College of Optometry, Drexel Blvd. at 42nd Place, Chicago, Tllinsiss Dear Dr. Needles: Dre Hub wrote me August 6th telling me of the diffi- culty thet you are having in regard to the Spencer microscope. I might explain to you that ordinarily I would have mo dtttioulty in this aa 1 heave youn able to. eccmmmniate several of the individuals here in a professional way. I thought I had the matter taken care of but a certain quirk arose that threw a monkey wrench in the machinery, and now rether then to pay some of these fellows the full price I am using circuitous means. Of course, I an not mentioning the direction that I am goings The University on all scientific equipment receives a substantial discount, and on almost everything that is bought by the University the faculty are permitted to buy with a smaller discount than the wholesale. But I have rum into something here | that I do not care to buck, so I will go around if possible. x hens ae Eee write Se ie ep Seen See serve the students at the University of Pennsylvania, pd hand the Spencer scope that he desires. : Sack ยข ARTE cen che nak oata te ton per eaike al Rotter oe 5 2 : i f supply this under the plan that you wrote to Hub before November that would be too late and I would prefer to place the order in Philadelphia so that Bobby could have it when he enrolls there in the middle of September. The rub he becuase I do not want to ask certain favors are blocking it at the present time so that their friends can get _ the discount. |