August 26, 1941s wee Northern Illinois College of Optometry, Drexel Blvd. at 42nd Street, Chicago, Illincis. — Dear Drs Needles: j 3 "3 the 22nd instant. I wes genuinely pleased at the kindness shown me when you endeavored to get a scope for Bobby. I realise the pressure that you must heve put on your friend to get this con- cession and if you are successful I want you to lmow that it will be greatly appreciated on two scores; one, of course, thet I do not want to bow to these boys who thought they head me across the barrel, and the other is that it will save the old gentleman some very necessary shekels at a time when he has four children in college, and that is somethinge Certainly we cen afford to wait two weeks, and somchow I feel that you will be able to make the deal with your friends at the Awerican Optical Companys As soon as you have information one way or the other I would appreciate it because Bob is a little anxious thet he might be sold short with the Philadelphia people &£ he does not put up a deposit soom. ‘They are asking that he — make a deposit, and since he is a Phi Beta Kappa student here he is very eager that he go back to Pem and make a fine record there. Competition is tough back there nervous lest he might miss out on one of these scopes at the supply house there. Of course, they offer him four years service end storage during vacation, and so forth, but I te. ; that service is much more then offset by the saving that we can B s = B 5 : E address. As soon as he returns from his in York I will write him. I trust that he is doing a good job for you back there, and confidentially I bel | is such that he will get a fow of the boys on the dotted line.