ESTABLISHED 1865 CECE NETTELS Hbisturg ies: G September 6, 1940. Dre Fe Co Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Docs Harry Je Foresman was coming up to see you Sunday but I discovered that you would not be there until Sunday evening so I presume he has put his trip off. He has been working for me all summer in the capacity of helping our driller and should be in first-class condition. He is definitely anxious to start to school and barring mishaps should go along in about the fashion that an ordinary normal freshman does. This chap is a first-class lad and I recommend him to you unre- servedly. He is not a first-class student but I think has enough perseverance and intelligence to make an average record in school. He has got a lot of courage, persistence and a down-right constructive desire to get an education. On top of this I think he will make a basketball player and I believe he is a competitor,every inch of him. Just how much work he will be able to handle on the outside is conjectural - time alone will tell. He has a pretty fair nest egg to start with and with a little help on the side should make it nicely. I shall consider it an extreme favor if you will help this fellow out as far as you conveniently can. I hope you have had a pleasant summer, remunerative as well as pleasurable. I shall likely see you before this fall beoomes very olde With warmest personal regards, I am Sincerely, GEN : OM