NORTHERN ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY DREXEL BOULEVARD AT FORTY-SECOND PLACE CHICAGO DR. WILLIAM B. NEEDLES PRESIDENT October 31, 1941. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, *University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen: Your very gracious letter pleased me indeed. I was especially gratified to learn that Bob suceeded in getting his microscope in Philadelphia. From all of the information I have been able to obtain, I think perhaps that he was fortunate in being able to get it. I can only say again how sorry I am thet I was not able to help him. You were indeed kind to send the basketball schedule. We will get up a little party to take advantage of your gracious offer for the DePaul game. In the meantime, please know that we are all pulling for you. Sincerely, Lol William B, Needles, D.0.8, President WBN: EZ