July 1, 1942. Dear George: Jane was home last week-end from Chicago with her husband, Elwood “Soot” Mons. We had a delightful two days and wo wishod , that you might have been with us to play golf with Bob, Mit, Hoo and id 2s é B é Jane montioned the fact that you called her dur the conversation she said that you made a statement that reason you felt perhaps I was not as close and friendly to used to bes I want to tell you, Georze, thet I heve the regard and the sincerest friendship for yeu and will always have it. I regard you as one of my very closest and very best friends. With- out emmerating then, I could say that you would be among my first fives | : I if So you see I do have a deep affection for you and will al- weys have. Don't you ever get the idea that anything would change the many pleasant associations and abiding friendship that we have had. And any time if there would ever be a call on me to show ny friendship and loyalty to you it would always be forthcoming, and I have felt the sane r you. You have show your colors so meny times in my behalf that 4 would permit nothing.to come between uss You have my very sincerest friendship and highest respect. Please let nothing confuse you at any time in this regard. With all good wishes, I am - Sincerely yours, POASAH oe Varsity Basketball Coach,