NATIONAL HEALTH LIBRARY 50 West 50th Street, New York, N. Y. IsaBeEL L. Towner, Chief Librarian Eva R. Hawkins, Associate Librarian The National Health Library is a cooperative activity of the National Health Council. It was established in 1921 by the consolidation of the libraries of four of the organizations included in the Council. It is supported by special contributions from member agencies and member- ship fees. While the collection is primarily for the use of the staffs of the supporting organizations and their members, it is open for reading and reference use, with certain restrictions, by any one interested in public health and allied subjects. The Library now contains about 6,000 volumes, 30,000 pamphlets and 500 periodicals, including health bulletins and reports from the states and principal cities. The chief distinction of the National Health Library is its index of current periodical health literature, which is the most complete of any library in the United States. This is kept in the form of a card catalog. Beside general public health and personal hygiene the main subjects covered are blindness prevention, child health, health education, mental hygiene, nursing, nutrition, personal health, public health nursing, psychoanalysis, sex education, tuberculosis, social hygiene and venereal disease prevention. The Library does not have any pamphlets for free distribution or sale. It does have available or will compile bibliographies and reference lists on special subjects at a nominal cost. Loan privileges are granted to those who are individual members of the following supporting organizations: American Public Health Association American Social Hygiene Association National Committee for Mental Hygiene National Organization for Public Health Nursing National Society for Prevention of Blindness sia cca National Tuberculosis Association Wu fr linehsers ‘Others must pay an annual fee of $3.00. There is also an annual corporate membership of $10.00 which permits, in addition to the privilege of borrowing books, special use of the Library, with certain : , restrictions. Kectwet—*AFvery Friday there is issued a four page mimeographed Library Lire Index in which reference is made to the more important and interesting ys articles appearing in the current magazines received in the Library. ; References are included to city and state health bulletins not indexed On’ in any other place. The subjects used are the same as those covered by ), og4 the Library collection. The annual subscription is $2.50 for those not “t“*"~ on the staff of the supporting agencies. dope nee, The Library is open from 9 to 5 Monday to Friday; 9 to 1 Saturdays. ’ | Dra naka SAL OAKS