DENTAL HYGIENE Booth, W. G., M.D., D.P.H. Acceptance of dental treatment. Med- jeal officer (London) 62: 173, October 28, 1939. Methods used in England to persuade parents tr accept dental treatment for their children. Braneh, E.-Ac, DDS. Back to school. Health bulletin, North Carolina state board of health (Raleigh) 54: 8-11, November 1939. Emphasizes care of school children's teeth. Suggestions on the organization of dental "refresher" courses. Health of- ficer, U.S. Public health service (Wash- ington, D.C.) 4: 230-32, October 1939. Available in leaflet form. EYESIGHT CONSERVATION Irvine-Fortescue, Archer, M.B. Ophthalmic services to the civil population in national emergency. British medical journal (London) p.86- 48, October 28, 1939. Lawes, Estella. Science and sight conservation. Journal of exceptional children (Lansing, Mich.) 6: 42-48, 72, November 1939. A few of the problems connected with sight saving class work. HEALTH WORK IN SCHOOLS Molner, J.-G., M.D. Cooperation of the Board of educa- tion and the Department of health in the care of the handicapped child. Journal of exceptional children (Lansing, Mich.) 6: 61-64, 72, November 1939. Schmitz, H. W., M.D. The school and the child with heart disease. Journal of school health (Buffalo) 9: 253-59, November 1939. Silver, B- Bes Mab. The school and rheumatic heart dis- ease. Journal of school health (Buf- falo) 9: 260-62, November 1939. INDUSTRIAL DISEASES Brinton, H. P. Disabling morbidity, and mortality among white and Negro male employees in the slaughter and meat packing industry, 1930-34, inclusive. U.S. Public health reports (Washington, D.C.) 54: 1965-77, November 3, 1939. INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE Twenty-five years of industrial hy- giene. Health officer, U.S. Public health service (Washington, D.C.) 4: 190-91, October 1939. INDUSTRIAL NURSING Dempsey, C. R., R.N. Health promotion in industry. Trained nurse and hospital review (New York City) 103: 327-29, October 1939. MENTAL HYGIENE Evacuation and mental health prob- lems. Mental welfare (London) 20: 107- 8, October 1939. Herd, Henry, M.B., D.P.H. The voluntary mental health services: report of the Feversham committee. Men- tal welfare (London) 20: 98-103, Octo- ber 1939. Hoffmann, M. H., M.D. An evaluation of the first year of a parole clinic. Hospitals (Chicago) 13: 87-92, November 1939. Kirkpatrick, M. E., M.D. Some psychological factors in adop- tion. Journal of exceptional children (Lansing, Mich.) 6: 68-71, November 1939.