GEO.E.NETTELS, Sbisturg KG WIA Cc GEN'L SUPERINTENDENT July 11, 1940. Dr. F, C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doe: I spent so much time with my farmer up northwest of Leonardsville that I didn't get back into Lewrence. It was late when I came through Manhattan so I took the cut-off vie. Emporia and beat it for home as fast as I could make ite I didn't have anything particular on my mind, but did want to discuss several unimportant questions with you had you been available. Had a nice visit with the family and was par= ticularly pleased to encounter Mary and Mit with his femily. Ellsworth sent me a nice letter with reference to my service on the Board, containing bologna in large and thin slices. My good friend Woody tried to get Fred to have the Board of Directors abrogate the existing rule thet prohibits any alumnus from serving more than two consecutive terms, but Ellsworth was insistent on some Wichita men being put on the Board and I observe that he accomplished his desiree He has had the notion that Wichita should be lined up with a good deal more of enthusiasm than it has shown in the past. Personally, I don't think they will ever get Wichita off its dead fanny. I may get up leter in the summer and if I do I sure went to have a chat with youe There is one thing I want to talk to you about at the very first opportunity. With warmest personal regards, I am Cordially yours, fer € | |tleke GEN : OM