pe C, tnta W. E. SMITH, BUSINESS MANAGER MISS JOSEPHINE PARSONS, R. N., CLINIC NURSE L. S$. NELSON, M. D, MISS MARIAN GONZALES, SECRETARY K. L. DRUET, M. D. PORTER BROWN, M. D. MISS FRANCIS BERTSCHE, B. S., TECHNICIAN GEO. E. STAFFORD, M. D. SUITE 406 FARMERS UNION BLDG. Salina, ‘Kansas August 10, 1940 Doctor Forrest C. Allen, Director Physical Fducation and Recreetion University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Sine yor very idjy for your letter of August 8, reletiwer fq Frnest Paul Davia’ mi I can assure you that I will be clad +3smeet— Mra Davisand/ be of any possible service tovard making his early “timein-GaTine as pleasant as possible and I am sure Mr. “oodard will do likewise. a I feel very happy to know that a man of such high quality is to take part in the leadership of the youth of ae as I am convinced that these men have a preat deal of affect « the future of men and women and that there influence. reaches oct mich farther than they usually realize. It is fine, therefore, that @ good man can be had for this work. Lawrence is working in Colorado and I am going out there about the time he gets through so that he and I can have a week or tvo of trout fishing together. He should have all the good trout fishing located but I hope to catch more than he does anyway. I had hoped that you would find occasion to be here some- time this Summer in order that we could, enjoy a golf game together. “hile my game is not really good enough to put up beside yours, I should be very happy to give you\I fave and if you have any time betveen now and the 20th to spare for golf, do come out. Our course is in fairly good condition and we do have lots of fun. With my very best wishes, I am f€incere L. S. Nelson, M. D.