Thursday, January 11 10:00 asm tol2 ~-< 12:30 to 1350 p.m. 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Friday, January 12 9 Gem. to 12:20 to 1:50 p.m. 2:00 to 4:00 pil. day, J 13 9:00 a.m. to 12 TENTATIVE AGENDA JOINT CONFERENCE RECREATION SECTION WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION, REPRESENTATIVES OF UNIVERSITIES, AND THE NEW YORK UNIVER- SITY RECREATION INSTITUTE, Room 475 Education Building, New York University, 35 West Fourth Street, New York City. Opening session Professor Jay B. Nesh, Chairmen Mr. G, Ott Romey, Director Recreation Section, Professional and Service Division, Work Projects Administration - "The Problem" Discussion Luncheon meeting - Hotel Holley kfternoon Session Thomas Rickman, Jr., Supervisor of Program and Treining, Work Projects Administration, Chairman "Development of the Problem" - Universities and the Government In-Service Progrem. Panel: Professor Nash, Mr. Dahl, Professor Lloyd, Mr. Romey and otters Professor Frank Lloyd, Chairman Panel of Enrollees in Kecreation Institute Short Course leading a discussion on: "The Effectiveness of Short Courses for Administrators and Supervisors on the Job." Luncheon-meeting - Hotel Holley Sfterneon Session Committee Meetings - University Representatives and Representatives of Government Agencies Closing Session Chairman - G, Ott Romney, Director Recreation Section, Work ’ Projects Administration Summary Committee Reports - Closing Remarks Professor Jay B. Nash Notes This tentative agenda is intended to be sufficiently flemible to allow for the development of problems specifiito each university and Government agency concerned. ;