E.V. LANYON , VICE PRESIDENT C.F. SPENCER, PRESIDENT K.A.SPENCER,TREAS.& CHIEF EGR, A.F. Mf ELHENIE,V.PRES.& SALES MGR. F.E. DOUGLAS, SECRETARY ESTABLISHED 1885 MINES: KANSAS DIV. SALES OFFICES OMAHA ,NEBRASKA JOPLIN, MISSOURI HENRYETTA,OKLAHOMA WIGHT A ANS —_ GENERAL SALES OFFice DwicHT Buitoine, Kansas City, Mo. MISSOURI OKLAHOMA ARKANSAS March 19, 1940. Mr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Doc: Many large and hearty congratulations over the outcome of the district finals. Really you and the gang 6 underwent the acid test and came through with flying colors. ' I know all your friends are rejoicing and your enemies are 4 probably gnashing their teeth. 4): If I can possibly arrange it, I am going to bring WW wn young George and try to see the game Friday night. I am nt delighted to know that Johnny will work the games, also LY it will give us the chance to get together for ody first A class sessione I hope you draw Rice Friday night since I suppose the Southwestern conference is probably weaker than the other contestants. Hoping nothing upsets my plans to see you, I am, with warmest regards Cordially yours, GEN : OM