January 19, 1958. Mre Rolla Nuckles, of Speech and Dramatic Art, University of Kansas, Deax’ Mr» Nuckless When Miss Dumkel called me in regard to basket» ball tickets for you, it osourred to me that I had failed to thank you for your cooperation in using your class to dramatize the radio review of the Sasnak Clubs I want you to lnow that we oe your assistances With all good wishes, I em Sincerely yours, — : Director of Physieal Education, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache om oo eke es Dear Lk ee EF 6 ee ‘ Be fe tf Myre Fobrest C. Allen University Of Kansas Lawerence Kansas. ae , Z O Oe, . COSY g GU 6h 7 off Lan PNT AN TIN LN ZN ZA OR LOL OE 0 Ne me SEE | hefel act toot” ters March 7, 19586 Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Educatian, ESTABLISHED 1882 INCORPORATED 1889 GYMNASIUM APPARATUS MANUFACTURERS OF BRANCH OFFICES CABLE ADDRESS NEW YORK & CHICAGO STEEL LOCKERS GANSETT, PROVIDENCE CABINETS AND SHELVING ay PROVIDENCE,R.I. April 4, 1938 Mr. Forrest 6, Allen _ Director of Physical 4Sducation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Sir: In reply to your letter of March Zlst, we are sending you our F17 gymnasium apparatus catalog and Al gymnasium game equipment catalog, with price lists. The general discount today is 30% on all except anthropometric goods, where the discount is 25%. Wet prices are F.0.3. Prov- idence. There are some pieces, however, on which we can do better. We have no catalog of parts. Tell us in detail what part is required and then we will quote you a price. We are sorry but we have no men traveling on the road, so we couldn't have anyone stop in to see you.e All our busi- hess is dome direct from this office. Very truly yours, JWT: NARRAGANSETT MACHINE © eee S291 J. W. Thornley Secretary E.V. LANYON ,VicE PRESIDENT C.F. SPENCER, PRESIDENT K.A.SPENCER ,TREAS.& CHIEF EGR. A.F. MS ELHENIE,V.PRES.& SALES MGR. F. E. DOUGLAS, SECRETARY ESTABLISHED i885 MINES: KANSAS DIV.SALES OFFICES OMAHA ,NEBRASKA JOPLIN, MISSOURI HENRYETTA,OKLAHOMA WICHITA,KANSAS MISSOURI OKLAHOMA ARKANSAS GeNneRAL SALES Office Dwicut Buitoine,Kansas City, Mo. March 30, 1938-6 Dre Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, lawrence, Kansase Dear Docs: I am awfully sorry we missed you on your recent trip to our delightful little city. Mathilde and I had gone down to the hills for a couple of days and did not return until Sunday evening. Upon my return I learned you had been here and had called at the house. Ken Simons had a nice story in his column on your visit and gave you a nice boost. He, incidentally, is becoming quite friendly to the school again and is showing some interest - probably as much as he can under the circumstances that govern here in Pittsburg. I thought by now I should be in +awrence to take a look at spring football practice, but am a little skeptical over pro- spects. While business is rotten there are still a number of things to be done which keeps me on the go most of the time. Please remember me kindly to the family and with kindest personal regards, I am Cordially yours, GEN: OM Harragansets achine Coe, en om : Dear Sirs: | , . ~Wal2 you kindly send us a eatalog of Guanine Seanaataang tives is coming out this way we should be very glad to have him stop lu and go over our equip- ’ emt. We have in mind some repairs aud cous replaccnontse Direstor of Physical Education. THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE 1201-S CLASS OF SERVICE : : ; SYMBOLS dee, S : DL = Day Letter is isa rate NM = Night Message Telegram or Cable- gram unless its de- NL = Night Letter ferred character is in- dicated by a suitable é 7 2 LC = Deferred Cable symbol above or pre- ) NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. Cc. WILLEVER Mn Ship Radiograrn a PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT "The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination. se at 646 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Phone 2764 .~ 2 i/AR 4 PM 4 {7 KAH239 36 DL XC=BELLEVILLE ILL 4 325P 00 DR FOREST C ALLEN= UNIV OF KANSAS ‘A GOOD OLD FASHONED MISSOURT HUMILIATION WAS ALL WE NEEDED TO TOP OFF A GLORIOUS SEASON» ! AM ALMOST AS PLEASED AS YOU FOR AS MANY REASONS AS YOU CAN denied hs MY BEST WITH WARMEST REGARDS= GEORGE. THE QUICKEST, SUREST AND SAFEST WAY TO SEND MONEY IS BY TELEGRAPH OR CABLE August 2, 1958. Professor Bort Mash, School of Educaticne — | Done Dor I om ; weiing to chock up on « comy of "Dotter Peaketbeli" which wo lomned you last Februerye This book is the p of the Athletic Association, and we do not — want to lose , ae i ae Sincerely yours, Skoustans ot Yeestentl tbsiblion, Varsity Basketball Coaches it fi F te I ul Hy ae if if : 2 He fils i iy ei Bi a a 3 as ee hg Hie i Li + : me Viel trial dil August 2, 1958. 3 se dill sa eniiad xia des es sles ses ve ¥ Mire Dean Nesmith, Belleville, Tansese Dear Deans SS alina CAinio W. E. SMITH, BUSINESS MANAGER MISS JOSEPHINE PARSONS, R. N., CLINIC NURSE L. S. NELSON, M. D. MISS MAUDE DUNN, SECRETARY K. L. DRUET, M. D. PORTER BROWN, M. D. MISS FRANCIS BERTSCHE, B. S., TECHNICIAN GEO. E. STAFFORD, M.D. SUITE 408 FARMERS UNION BLDG. Salina, ‘Kansas July 29, 1928 Dr. F. C. Alien Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Dear Phogs Thank you very much for your letter of July 22 vith reference to Miss Baker who has been employed by the Board of Education to pursue her work here in Salina. It is indeed a compliment to her that she has so many wortly people favoring her appointment and while we are sorry we could not also have Miss Woody we feel very fortunate to have an opportunity to meet Miss Baker when she arrives. Hoping this finds you very well and happy and enjoying your work as usual, and with kindest regards, I beg to remain Very “Jl L. S. Nelson, M. D. LEN: jas July Gy 19886 dune 1G, 1988 Very cordially yours, Miresetor of Edusation, VaSsity Coach. . duly 1, 2088. TH He, i 1 li fi r “4: iH i iH i i | ie : i thy Ht ti Hat i He f 1 iy ida Ny; a i ui ti I i el Director of Physical Bdusetion, Varsity Dasketball Coach. i haa ous eee tenis: Oar yous Bands ak ot I essure you it we entirely wmaxpeoteds appreciations I want you to luew that we are vory grateful to you | fox the many courtesies you have extendeds With hest wishes, I am | pvsinr , Coaghs : ¢ pd 3 Bee aii to at eid i a) al a Ha: , NES - Salina Clinia A pe 0 ae qe YW : : WwW. E. SMITH, BUSINESS MANAGER MiSS JOSEPHINE PARSONS, R. N., CLINIC NURSE L. 8S. NELSON, M. D. MISS MAUDE DUNN, SECRETARY K. L. DRUET, M.D. PORTER BROWN, M.D. MISS FRANCIS BERTSCHE, B. S., TECHNICIAN GEO. E. STAFFORD, M. D. SUITE 408 FARMERS UNION BLDG. Salina, ‘Kansas April 20, 1936 F. G. Allen, Director, Physical Education University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phogs I have your letter of recent date concerning the application of Miss Woody in the Department of Physical Education. I would judge that she is well qualified, both by heredity and education for such a position. Your rec— ommendation helps, of course, in my attitude toward her. Even though I haven't met her, I knew her brother, Warren well. Through inguiry I have discovered that one of the physical education teachers here may get married this summer and not return. It seems that this is not an as- sured fact, so little can be said about it, and as yet I understand she has not resigned. This information I ac- quired from Mr. Uhrlaub, and it should, of course, be kept confidential. However, it would not be amiss for’Miss Woody to put in her application and in the meantime I will contact as I happen to see them, various members of the Board of Education, and promote her stock a little. Our school superintendent, Mr. Heusner, is not well and is at present in the hospital under our care. I believe he is not likely to be back on the job in the near future, and would suggest that you ask Miss Woody to put in her application to Mr. Waring, the principal of the high school. While he is not an especial friend of mine, I believe it would be wise to approach the situation by that angle. Hoping this will be of some help to her, and with very kindest regards to you, I am Most sincerely J, LSN:D L. S. Nelgon, M. D. Dre Allen -- Maxyne Woody brought this copy of her letter this afternoon (written today). She says she really is interested in the possibility of getting a job at Salina, and wishes to express her apologies to you for her delay in seeing you about your correspondence with the Salina people. por tee gt ne tyr teem eee nape teen Serre ecnerener ae serene ee _—— Hlaxyne Jo Woody “May lis 1938 Sal uw sigs Principal £ aisk te plows wth oe we erst ilk Gin: Maaenie be cata sae tas tin eee ee ae Se ee oe ree : ‘My home ie at Barnard, Kan, toa fifty atlee cortinest of Salina, I pf the Barnard High Sehool, I have attended the Ur “Kan- i dan Aelia, tok ip ttinue sedatng 4 On Sintinarinns University. Se eet See eee oe Selence Degree in Education, and a three year renewal for life teaching certificate, My major is in physical education and a ane an Wadanahant. Sohanees I have had sueh cxperience ast assisting in giving private tap and social dancing lessons, oe ee ee ee ball team, and some recreational work, As for | _pertenee, T have four houre of atual teaching in the read —— at Lawrences : Skane oy aeetacheehn s4bhk eta: Be Be | Chandler, head of the teacher's appointment bureau here at the Tuivereity I am having him forward them to you, I shall be a 33 ery od April 26, 1958~ FOAsAH Director of Physical Education. lay 15, 1958 lite George : ~* Pittsburs idwey Company. a meee PCA ATT Varsity Seasketball Coathe