SS alina CAinio W. E. SMITH, BUSINESS MANAGER MISS JOSEPHINE PARSONS, R. N., CLINIC NURSE L. S. NELSON, M. D. MISS MAUDE DUNN, SECRETARY K. L. DRUET, M. D. PORTER BROWN, M. D. MISS FRANCIS BERTSCHE, B. S., TECHNICIAN GEO. E. STAFFORD, M.D. SUITE 408 FARMERS UNION BLDG. Salina, ‘Kansas July 29, 1928 Dr. F. C. Alien Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Dear Phogs Thank you very much for your letter of July 22 vith reference to Miss Baker who has been employed by the Board of Education to pursue her work here in Salina. It is indeed a compliment to her that she has so many wortly people favoring her appointment and while we are sorry we could not also have Miss Woody we feel very fortunate to have an opportunity to meet Miss Baker when she arrives. Hoping this finds you very well and happy and enjoying your work as usual, and with kindest regards, I beg to remain Very “Jl L. S. Nelson, M. D. LEN: jas