The only objection to it that I have is that it uses too gasoline for a car driven for transportation, I could be a % more economical by driving a smaller car, but when you consider loss of tradeein or the loss of resale, you figure that you can the extra money for gasoline and be far ahead. It gives per fect performance and rides just like a big Pullman coach. It is ere ee eS » whether you go to Kansas City or to New Yorke ie So, Ray, I will still drive my Buick another year or two years before I decide to part with ite I am planning to have it ree Ducoed in the springe I haven't geen any car on the street that I would rather have, except live. Watkins’, and f wouldn't ask her to trade, you knows 10 une ‘deeekia watts: Mo: drive: do Wd one ins firth, I would be glad to give you the background, but frankly I have been so busy with my copartment that I have not talked business with the other people, and, in fact, there would be no reason why I should, because ‘they afe raining that ond of it ant 7 an trying to toon up Hy ende : Row, re allestar geme of ye ever«victorious men against the yearl , that is scheduled for January 7th, the ne, Wake