ways driven a bie and beautiful car and you no ‘doubt ‘will continue to do so. Please don't think that I na toga ie the putek or any other car when I say that we have a greater automobile in the Zephyr. ‘I learned long ago not to knoe knock the other fellow or team, but to have the confidence that your product or team is the superior, and then go out and prove tt to mgself and all con- cerned. This is what I would like to attempt in your case. I know that you are sold on ce bela and I'm sure that if you will accept a demons tration and test the new Zephyr for everyting one can possi»ly expect of an automobile that you will ow no other ear. ‘tes oc", If ypu are really honest to goodness interesé ed in either of these two cars I think I can arrange to bring either or both gf over ata saeenaea foe for you and give hou a demonstration. I'm sure that ¥ you are nals ras trade thet divert bev off soon and I sure wuld like to } be ae one to sell fou a new one. I sey at any am tickled wo death ebont the football team and sincerely hope they ean keep the good ork up. I must close now and get back to some disagreeable or Writing to you is always a pleasure because I feel I am talkine to you, something that has alwasys been a joy to me. Here's hoping this finds you and your fanily in the best of health, I remain, Sincere