AUBURN RURAL HIGH SCHOOL RAY NICHOLS, PRINCIPAL —_— ~—_— AUBURN, KANSAS Dr. F.C. Allen, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: I have a boy who hurt his wrist in a game this fall and I was wondering if we could make an appointment with you this Saturday to look at it and advise us about his playing basketball. The boy planns to play Ban Johnson baseball this summer ( and he will really go good as a pitcher) and he hs also an outstanding football and. bakket ball player. He is more interested in making good in baseball and is afraid he will hurt his wrist more playing, basketball this winter. A doctor advised him not to play but I sort of doubt that°it is necessary for him to lay out of basketbail. I felt you could. advise: us better than anyone else. He is a senior and is really the outstanding athlete in this league i.e all round athlete. He ‘planns to go th’Kansas State. Another reason I would like to have you look at his wrist and get acquainted with hime My home is at Lawrence and I went to Baker University and I would rather see him go to KU. but that will have to be taken care of later. | If you can give us a little time this Seuinnay + we can be there any time you set. echok/ 2