A SURVEY OF THE 1942 PREREQUISITES FOR THACHING AND ENTERING GRADUATE WORK IN FHYSICAL EDUCATION By Laurence E. Morehouse, Ph.D. and Oscar Schaaf University of Wichita There are many instances when the administrator of college physical education needs to know the minimum state requirements for certification of teachers of physical education and also the pre- requisite undergraduate work in physical education which is necessary to enter certain graduate schools. Examples of these instances are: 1. Student counciling, Checking the stucent's schecule to be sure that it includes the course work necessary for teaching in the state in which the student desires to teach, cr that. .which is necessary for entering tne cesired graduate scnool in ¢hysical education, 2. Curriculum construction, The administrator who includes preparation to meet state certification requirements and graduate college entrance requirements among his objectives in t_anning the curriculum is desirous of knowing the requirements of at least a few of the nearby states and colleges and wniversities. 3, Establishing state requirenients. Legislators want to know what other states require for certification of teachers of physical education when devising regulations of their own. 4, Establishing entrance requirements for gradvate work. In setting regulations for selecting students, the graduate study committee may _ wish to become familiar with the orerecuigites of other graduate schools in order to establish a certain standard, 4 4 7 , JQ \ PROCEDURE The survey wag mace by writing letters to all forty-eight state dJepartments of education and inquiring as to the minimum requirements ror certification of teachers of physical education in each state. Letters were also written to gixteen graduate schools of physical education asking for the prerequisite undergraduate work in physical education at each school. 100% replies were received. Replies were edited to conform to a uniform to a uniform state- ment of requirements and were then returned to each state and college for checking. When Ciscrepancies arose the requirement was restated and again returned for checking until each statement was finally approved by each state and college. As a few of the states and colleges are now contemplating changes in their requirements, a revision of this data will te necessary within a year from now.( 4/3/42) RESULTS MINIMUM STATE REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION OF TEACHERS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION | Alabama: Bachelor's degree with a minor of 12 semester hours in physi- Cal ecucation and a minor of 12 semester hours in education. Arizona: Graduation from a regular four year course with 30 semester hours in physical education and 18 semester hours in psychology and education not including practice teaching. Arkansas: Graduation from an approved four year college with 24 semes- ter pours im physical edusation = ..>-"" -..’ po ae 3 44.7 and 16 gemester hours in professional subjects. After Sept. 1, 1943, the work in physical education will include; History, organi- zation, principles, administration and conduct of health educationee. 3 hours.* History, organization, principles, administration and conduct of physical education...3 hours.* Methods in health and safety education...3 hours.* Professional or applied science; anat- omy, physiology, kinesiology..,4 hours; health, hygiene...2 hours. Direction of recreational activities, sports, games and stunts, tennis, golf, badminton (for women, soccer and hockey)...4 hours. Coaching, team sports; basketball, baseball, swimming and methods of an organized program...men 4 hours, women 2 hours. Rhythmics and gymnastics.,..men 2 hours, women 4 hours. wnote = (not counted in physical education requirement since it is included in general education requirements) California: A four year college course with a bachelor's degree Teluding 24 semester hours in physical education and 15 semester hours of professional work in education, Ilugt be physically and mentally fit to engage in teaching service. Minimum of 15 semester hours in the fields of English, science, social studies and physical education. Minimum of 15 semester hours from at least four of the following; 1. Biology, 2. Anatomy, 3. Fhysiology, 4. Hygiene, 5. _Psychologw, 6, Sociology, 7+ Chemistry. Minimum of 24 semester hours