Comaiatane on Recommendations, University of Iowa 1 PERSONAL DATA Nome |... heurence Ee Morehouse eee eeee. Year of birth.... 1913 Temporary address ..../,~2..2¢2..... hee be« fe ae ' 2 cc eae le ie sk Permanent address ..... +98. 0¢¢an Avenue,. New Landon ,. Senneotiaut ................. Height...6 .f£9@%.... Weight....160.1ba~e. Marital Status... Married... Children..e.......... Training Name of School Location : a Degree Major Minor Danbury High School Conn. 1937-1932 : Springfield College MASS 1932-1936 BeSe 18 — Sil : 193621937 _ MeEde : . State University Towa 1937-1941 | PheD. " “4 | | Degree for which you are now working... ROGtOr Of Phil osaphynen expected?......aP% Teaching Certificates MasSe ne,y.194)...... College distinctions Maition scholarship, 1936, Springfield. Research ass'tship in Physe Ede, 1937; Research ass'tship in Physiology, Ass tatip In Phys .kd., 1940, LOwse : xperience low, '38~ 140) ® (include experience other than teaching) tie rip ¥ zonne coor See FAs" \tosd-19sa Physical Director 'S6 Waeerfraens Director meee Counc esalgeniars d College 1934-1937 Assistant University of Iowa 1937-1940 Assistant Sports Physiology bj _Camp Mohawk (¥.u.6, 1940-1941) Assistant in P.E. “Cemp Counciior Swimming $5006 Camp Wichake (girls ) 1933 (Recreation Directo z Form :4:20M:1-39:5670a : (44a