, There are other sections in the brochure that are equally as si i Slant Wink Ucar weianeundinioesn vovtank toe rule, permitting the contacting of high school athletes by the athletic | representatives, thereby admitting that the weakninded o.k.'d the action eS ee ee ee ee activity. 3 iis cial anllict adhe Sie anceliny sith Sie oe Make pein eee is just for the uplift of the eluanis When we have a national commissioner the type of Judge Landis in ow intercollegiate athletics, then we will have respect for the law. This national commissioner would have comaissionera under him in every collegiate district. It would be like the bank exaniner having deputy exauiners. ut the high cownissioner would have power. Ue would not be a “Pollyanna"™, but would be a realist and would follow much the same procedure as did Judge Lendis. The N.C.AA. hes never been much more than-a paper organization. It has always lacked power to enforce its edicts. It could have controlled proselyting and professionalism, but _ the pity of it is, it never measured up to its responsibilities. And in closing, I want to tell you that the “secondhand reports” | were firstland, and you might be surprised what T have in my Piles at the present time. But I am not prosecuting the N.C.4.A. or the organized intercollegiate set-ups. That is not and never has been my purpose be- cause our institution is a member of that organisation. It is ome thing to have facts in your possession, and another thing to have an orgenizea- tion that would prosecute it if it could. Diraeter of Physical Bducation, Varsity Basketball Coach.