ACTIVITY FEE (at Lawrence). The activity fee is $9.82 for the fall semester and $6.22 for the spring semester (including state and Federal taxes). This fee provides admission to athletic events (except basket- ball, for which $1 additional is charged), concerts, lectures, dramatics, debates; membership in the stu- dent governing association; and an official identifica- tion card. UNION FEE. The union fee is $5.00 a semester and is paid by all regular students. It covers membership in the Memorial Union and admission to student union activities. LABORATORY FEES. Laboratory fees or course charges (except private music lessons and piano and organ rentals) have been abolished at the Lawrence division, and no charge wili be made except for undue usage of materials or breakage or loss of equipment due to negligence on the part of the student, such charges to cover only the fair value of such materials and equipment. APPLIED MUSIC. Students enrolled for private lessons in music pay additional fees, payable in ad- vance in two installments, according to the following schedule: — Semester Fees ——\ Privat2 lessons Twoaweek One a week Organ, violin, piano, violoncello, voice, batid instruments 2 5 ee $42 $23 Harp . 72 36 Separate individual lessons, each. ................ 2 2 INSTRUMENT RENTALS. Students who do not have access to pianos or organs for practice may rent instruments according to the following schedule: Daily Practice One hr. Twohrs. Three hrs. Piano, daily for eighteen weeks ....$ 5 $9 $13 Organ, daily for eighteen weeks: Four-manual Austin .................... 32 60 88 Two-manual Reuter electric OLZan (eee ee ie See. 20 37 54 Organs are also for rent in certain churches of the city by special arrangements KANSAS ENGINEER FEE. Payable by students registered in the School of Engineering and Architec- ture, for the regular semester, 50 cents to cover sub- scription to the Kansas Engineer. SUMMARY OF FEES FOR NEW STUDENTS The following summary is given as an aid to the new student in estimating his fees for the first year at the University: Residents of Kansas Non-Residents 1st Sem. 2d Sem ist Sem. 2d Sem. Matriculation fee ............ $10:00:.2 3 $20.00) *Incidental fee ................ 40.00 40.00 90.00 90.00 Health ‘fees 22: 7s ee 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 Activity fee (inc. taxes) 9.82 6.22 9.82 6.22 Union fee 28255) Se 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 *TOtals3 ee $72.32 $58.72 $132.32 $108.72 * Somewhat higher in certain divisions; consult the schedule on preceding page. Students in Engineering will pay an addi- tional 50 cents for Kansas Engineer subscription.