Living Accommodations HOUSING Admission to the University does not obligate the University to secure living accommodations for the student, but at the student’s request everything possi- ble will be done to assist him to find a place to live. Housing accommodations at the University of Kansas are provided through residence halls, fraternities and sororities, cooperative houses, rooming houses and private homes, and emergency housing projects. Through the Committee on Student Living Condi- tions, the University supervises the housing and the health of students. Each year, under the direction of the committee, a list of approved rooming houses for women is prepared by the Adviser of Women and for men by the University Housing Office. Members of fraternities and sororities usually live in their chapter houses. Room rent ranges from $10 to $25 monthly per per- son, depending on nearness to the campus and the number of students in a room. The average will be from $14 to $16. Rent in cooperative houses and scholarship halls is much lower. MEALS Students who live in quarters where meals are not provided will find that their needs can be met ade- quately by boarding clubs or commercial restaurants at hand in the student districts. The University Dining Hall in the Memorial Union Building serves good food at reasonable prices and in attractive surroundings. Prices of meals will vary with individuals, but the student should expect to pay from $1.00 to $1.50 a day for his meals. (This figure is based on the cost of food in early July, 1946, and may possibly increase by Sep- tember.) The cost will be somewhat lower if he eats in a cooperative club or a scholarship residence hall. HOUSING FOR MEN Complete information in regard to men’s housing can be had upon application to the Housing Office, Room 220, Frank Strong Hall. Every effort is made to assist both single and married students. RESIDENCE HALLS. Only one residence hall— Battenfeld Hall—is being operated during 1946-47. Applications for occupancy have been processed and the hall is filled for the year. COOPERATIVE HOUSES. One cooperative house is being operated during 1946-47 by the K.U. Student Housing Association. No vacancies are available for the fall semester.