May 16, 1946 ; ‘Mr. C. Me Baker, Director of Libraries The University Library é Dear Mr. Bakers We received your letter informing us that we have an unexpended balance of about $117.00 in the library Book Fund. © : . We, therefore, would like for you to order the ._ following books: ee ~ Rice, Emmett A. = "A Brief History of Physical Education", e Ae S, Barnes & Company, New Terke 1939, 3 copies. : Williams & Shaw = "Methods & Materials of Health Education" oe 2 copies. Wathius, Bugene = “The Deeper Meaning of Physical Saucon ton? . Ae Se ree New York, 1 copy. Sharman, Jackson «= "The Teaching of Physical Education" » Ae S. Barnes, New Tork, 1 copy. nw Williams, Damback,-Schmendener - "Methods in Physical Education", ue Be Saunders Coe, Philadelphia, 1 copy. Jacks, L. Be = "Education Through Recreation", Harper and Brothers, © New York, 1 copy. Tyler, Je Me. = "Growth and Education" » Houghton, Mifflin dec, ‘ New Yorks 1 copye : Sincerely yours, . Assistant Professor of HS sMF ; Physical Education.