Beponse eccowrt of Drs Forrest Ce Allon, Chatzman of National Basketball Rules Rescarch Camittee, Chaimen of Mfth District Basketball Zules Committes, in attendame at mooting of the Rational Association of Basketball Conches, C hicage, Tilinelis, April Tetn5, 19502 ational membership « + +++ = «+ 9540 Railroad fare, romd trip « « « = » 2250 Pullman ($5075 one wy) «es0« 6 7050 Neotel and Meals, Chicage « = « « «/ 1890 Mende omroute se essscece se 2095 ‘Texk and Incidentals s+ se e« 2050 a es ope Total «=< 359,16 Ae authorised by Profs We We Davis, Chairman of Athletic Board, end Grim Henry, Director of Athleticre | 1 eortify that the above expanse account is corrovte ‘? UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION” OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS oo - “i ontelle Attendance at meeting of National Association of Basketball Coaches, Chicago, Illinois, April 4=5, 1938: Membership GOS ©6220 0 6406 @ $5200 Railroad fare, round trip e e e e 22450 Pullman ($3275 one way) os ~s-«« Tebd ~ $00 000 Wibio$ Meuhoulp _— ve oo — ae So = @e Varsity Basketball Coache : 5 7 at Pn Neng pa ORIGINAL Lyf aud 7 a rT , | ‘ional University of Kansas Athletic Association N° 1262 ts § Make all payments to ' University of Kansas Athletic Association La* Te ZY RO S460 | March 29, 1938. Direeter of A s University of Kencate Dear lire Henrys eeu tak % Wk ts aks te ac dn on ae ee ee - held om April 25. ) i eh sik ceiabss Bb anlicn es National Physicel Education Association meeting at ‘tlamtay Ceorgia, froa April 20 to 235 Ve de apureciate, however, your asking use We tarust that the Relays will not only maimtain their previous populerity but also will far exeeed anything heretofores With every good wish, I aa Saeseee of Fetesd Biuention, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS March 21st i 8 > 8 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: The Sixteenth Annual Kansas Relays will be held this year on April 23rd. As in the past, we are asking a number of our good friends to act as officials for this meet, and I am writing to ask if you can serve in this capacity. A reply at your early convenience will be greatly appreciated, as we are desirous of having a complete list of our officials in the Kansas Relays program. Information concerning position, costume, etc., will be sent to you at a later date. We shall greatly appreciate your kind cooperation. Very sincerely yours, Gwinn Henry fo Director of Athletics March 7, 1956. for sube for of good Sinceroly yours, Vereity March 4, 1958e guecant this et your . a. ( Thy inl Trusting that you will soo fit to earliest convenience to the members of the Athletic Board for their approval, and trusting thet these names will have your approval, I am FOAsAH Pebruary 19, 1958 Shin wht deer este wamntthne 40 Protensir Ko, Ye Davis I mentioned the fact to him that I was personally expecting to Sis Mine Wats setts tania se tn basketball. Professor Onvis seemed a little surprised thet only the Tootball players bave received fresiman sweaterse I told him that ee ee Sore bak Yeoh Cay eny sth, with the exception of the football teams : This year, as I reueuber, there were over 64 awarded, or ono to every man who stayed out during the fall for footballe However, only about 49 qualified. I felt that this created a certain complex with the other fresimean teams, and I told Talbott, of Flliotts, at the ead of the season 7 would purcliase cartain muber of euoathons and : the boys for their services. It is my feel- te te oe Ee aul serinumane agent of the fe d te : slight token of considerations Doubtless. e develoment that our wmreity team has made is due in a certain definite Sots dadae cadens ok Gare tak tt cs The freshman are not coguizant of my intention to purchase these sweaters. Professor lmvis suggest that I write you to frecnan eneaters be purvincet for Preioan vane, Catt preotios: Te fresiman sweeters purchased freshman teams regular= = neintained their identity throughout If you feel that aaneelae Uh cities of cousin < on @ be impry tc have you bring it before the board. 02 course, if tho athletic board feols that | Just this past week two of the outstanding man on the varsity football team told me that they really got more thrill out of receiving their freshman mmeral light sweaters than they did when they earned their varsity K. If this is true, then I believe there is a very definite merit in awarding fresimen swoaterse : | Thanking you for your consideration in presenting thts to the board, T a Sincerely yours, PCASAH ; : Varsity Basketball Coache _ Naveuber 15, 1957s Mr. Earl Palkenstien, Athletic Associations Dear Earls _ t have talked to Dean Swarthout and it is perfectly agreeable to him to set up the seats on the stage for the versity~frosh game on December 3, and leeve them up for our Doame and Ottawa games om the 6th and 7th. ae Then wo can again set them up for the Baker game on the 15th and use them for the three games with Baker, Southwestern and Morningside. | = | I thimk your idea is a bully one to admit the stud« . ents to the first three games on’ their activity tickete a Do you not think it would be a good idea to let the’ Jay James begin selling season tickets as éarly as possible? Also, since we have the schedule made out, is it not a good idea to have placards made for home games?. Would we have time, to get them from Leader Zeus and Company, the same oute fit that printed the football placards? ae a, Sincerely yours, FAs | Director of Physical Education. November 16, 1937. Mire Fari Athletic Associations Dear Earl: last Saturday I spoke to you about Barrett Hamilton, the captain the Kansas along about 1925 or 1927. He came { FCAsAH Director of Physical Education. October 20, 1937. Athletic Direc OF» University of Kansas, Dear Gwinn: _ I prefer that you write Harry Posner, telling him that you are the new Athletic Director, and giving him your decision regarding the possibility of sending any discarded equip- ment over to the prison, It has been several years since such a thing has been done, and certainly if there is no equipment on hand it would be an easy matter to tell him that you have no sueh equipment. - i will thank you if you will. kindly take care of this correspondence as he does not know me, but is just writing to the fellow whom he thought was in charge, a Very cordially yours, FCAsAR i Director of Physical Education, October 20, 1937. lip, Gwinn Henry, Athletic Director, University of Kansas, Dear Gwinn: I am sending you a carbon copy of my letter to A, B, Meckie, The tentative games that I have discussed have been with Liston, of Baker either here or at Baldwin, I discussed with Earl, in your absence, the possibility of playing the game We offered Liston $30,00 guarantee with an eption of 50% of the cash gate receipts. Stud- ent tickets are not to count in the settéement. The other angle that I wanted te exe plain to you was the possibility of our playing Rock- hurst College in Kansas City. e Big Six has a ruling that you may not play e@ school in a city in which the < college is not located, My notion was to play Xoeckhurst College in Convention Hall if Pat Mason could get the Hall at a very reasonable fee, I have a notion that we could draw a very fine crowd in Kansas City, and if we eould arrange @ double header to be played between two strong college teams or two independent teams kn Kansas City, I believe each of us could make some money. About the only date we could play Rockhurst Seliegs would be New Year*s night, I under- stand MeElroy, City Manager of Sansas City, is in _ favor of totting college teams play there at a very small rental, had in mind the making of some money for the Athletic Association, I will be glad to dis- cuss this deal with you for your approval or rejection before anything is definitely done, Very cordially yours, FCA:AH — 3 Director of Physical Education, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE Aus. e637 DIVISION OF PHYSICAL. EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS August 9th a =e eS Dr. Forrest C. Allen Haemwold Cottage Culver, Indiana Dear Dr. Allen: We received your letters Saturday morning and this morning and are glad to know that you are having such a frivilous time back in little 'ol New York. If it is cool up where you are you had better stay there as it is scorching here. All of last week and beginning with this Monday morning the temperature has been hovering around the 100 mark and the humidity is very high, making everyone very uncomfortable and cross. They have our offices completely wrecked and we are installed back in the large intramural office. Mr. Falkenstien and I have put our desks end to end and a few filing cabinets on the end of them so that every- one who comes in has to feel his way around. As far as they have gone with the new arrangement it looks very well and I believe is going to be much nicer than we anticipated on first consideration. When they cut the door from your office into the hall they ran into a night big water pipe but luckily it was a dead one and they could just cut out the part that was in the way. The deor came out nicely that they cut through the stone wall and the glass partitions are working in nicely into the front. office. It looks as if someone had just pushed it over to the other side. Elwyn N. Dees put out to sea yesterday on that (we tried to tell him stormy) sea of matrimony. And as would be the case, I believe it was the hottest and most perspiring day we have had, but we stuck it out and saw him safely on his way. It was a lovely wedding regardless of the weather and Maxine looked very lovely and cool in her new fall ensemble and orchids-! (I am afraid Elwyn is making a rather expensive start there don't you think because women have rather a weakness for such blossoms). They are motoring up to Canada to visit Milo Clawson and Ormand Beach and plan to be gone about three UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE ~ ate DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS #2 weeks which will bring Elwyn back around the lst of September to go to work. They will furnish their home at that time and I am worried for fear Elwyn won't get to hang any of the pic- tures and do the odd jobs that go along with this moving into a new home business. Mr. Falkenstien and Mr. Davidson have recovered your plaque "The Penalty of Leadership" and Mr. Fal- kenstien said ask you if you wanted it mailed to you or just kept here at hand until you returned. You did not state in your letter. Jim Raport just came into our office and stated it reminded him of W.C. Fields filing system - you know where Mr. Fields piled all the papers on his desk and pulled the roll top down - and strange as it seemed could find any paper they asked him for. That will give you a pretty good idea of how we look. I am enclosing a letter which came in the morning mail from Mr. Elbel for you and also some requi- sitions which Mr. Falkenstien would like to have signed. With best wishes for some nice resort weather when you reach Indiana, I am Sincerely, = P.S. Tell Jane that Joe told me about helping she and Mary pack and he stated he didn't know two girls could have so many things to take on a vacation. Which only goes to show that Joe doesn't know about girls although his assertations regarding the matter are in the affirmative. Le We UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS . | e LAWRENCE 4 DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Dr. Forrest C. Allen Care McGraw-Hill & Co. 27] 330 West 42nd St. New York City Dear Dr. Allen: I called Miss Rich upon receipt of a your letter and she has decided this is the way to handle —~_ the situation. She will be in New York next week-end and her address will be 110 Morningside Drive, Ap't 5, New York. Her telephone number will be Monument-26999 and is in - the name of J.M. Winslow. The final proof will be sent there for her to read. She has sent over to me this morning the schedule for Physical Education classes this fall so that I may enclose it in my letter to you. It may be possible for you to fill in these instructors after you have read Mr. Elbel's letter and you can then call Miss Rich or drop her a note at the above address. (The schedule is enclosed herewith) It has been hot and steamy this week and we are still needing rain. The weather man has promised showers but all we have gotten is the humidity. Mr. Davidson and the boys were up and > | took all the pictures off the walls and cleaned out the store- ay room upstairs. I guess Mr. Bayles will be ready to start about — ys the 15th and we are told they plan to rush the job right straight ~~ through, which will be fine for us. : General Falkenstien and I are trying to get some work done and keep cool at the same time, (incidentally - scowling every time a coach walks in the door.) e I am enclosing the mail to date. iin bi Hoping it is cooler there than here and aatsednaits with best wishes, I am Sim erely yours, (whe beaten Enc's UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS July 24th : = 2 Ft Dr. Forrest ©. Allen Care Robert Allen, Black Horse Troop Culver Military Academy Culver, Indiana Dear Dr. Allen: Miss Rich just called and gave me the following information asking that I convey the same to you. The following courses which I will list as she gave them to me do not have instructors assigned and Dean Schwegler says they must have the names of instruc- tors for the catalogue. Physical Education # 31-M " ” 51-W 32-M S2-W 35-W 34-W saa 3 ss 38 Courses 67 and 68 First Aid # 37 Kinesology # 85 2 hrs. Content & Methods # M-94 Supervised Teaching # M-94a Human Anatomy (5 hrs.) spring semester Miss Rich stated that she had all her material ready to go to the printer with the exception of this information and that she should have this not later than the middle of next week. She also said that the Dean stressed the point and asked that she give you a note of it - that a UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS #2 Dr. F.C. Allen July 24, 1937 teaching load must not include more than 45 clock hours per week. For example an instructor may have 12 hrs. class room work and 9 hrs. outside supervision. Figuring each class room hour at 3 hrs., 12 hrs. would equal 36 hrs. plus 9 hrs. would make a total of 45 hrs. teaching load. | It was Miss Rich's understanding that you had written Mr. Elbel and that this information would be sent in to her. I am enclosing a copy of the new curriculum on which I have scratched the courses as I thought they applied. Miss Rich also mentioned that the Dean left a note on her desk stating that the introduction which you had asked him to write for you would be sent to you before he went away. She did not know what the introduction pertained to but I thought perhaps the booklet on Physical Education which you discussed putting out. We lost the ball game 5-0, but it was Coffeyville's best team out of a league of four so we did not feel too badly. I am enclosing the mail received to date. We had a real rain storm last night with lots of rain and it is raining steady showers today - air feels just like Colorado, which is a delightful change. I am also enclosing a notation which Jay Plumley said you asked be sent to you. Best wishes for a nice trip. Sincerely, Ey : IW Enc's Name VARSITY L] FOOT BALL Equipment [STORE ROOM RECORD] FRESHMAN L] -|| NO. ARTICLE ~ MARK RET.|| NO. ARTICLE Value Wool Sox Farmer Sox Varsity Sox Belt Ankle Wraps Jersey Shoes Shoulder Pads Headgear Sanitary Shirt Navy Coat Sanitary Pants Elbow Pads Jockey Strap Sanitary Sox i | . J have received the above articles as a loan from the Ath- Lawrence Address letic Association and promise to return the same when called for, or pay for same at face value. Signed Phone Home Address Street and No. TRACK 1937-38 Diek Ash, 1111 W, 11th Paul Becker, 1023 N.H. Jim Bell, 1111 W, 11th Bill Bevin, 1540 La, John Cox, 1219 Ohio Kenneth Clark, 1232 Ohio Bob Cameron, 1336 Vermont Lyle Foy, 1135 ohio John Griffith, 1515 Vt. Edgar Harrison, 1115 Ohio Leon Hepner, 909 Ohio Ray Harris, 1132 Ohio John Haslam, 7472 Mass, Jack Knight, 1316 Tenn, Ernest Klann, 923 Ind. Ray Lawrence, 1247 Ohio Louis Bonano, 817 Maine Robert Lissen, 7473 Mass, Darrell Mathis, 1325 Ohio Don Marriman, 1111 W, llth Elbert Miles, 923 Ala, Dean Nelson, 1034 Miss, Kalman Oravetz, 1042 Ohio Joe Ryan, 546 Miss, John Swader, 909 111, H, Seville, 817 Ind, Gordon Swinney, 933 Ala, Norman Sklar, 1018 Vt, Chas, Toberen, 546 Miss, Don Thompson, 1023 Vt. Leonard Telley, Maurice Williams, 1228 La, Kenneth Wood, 927 Ind, Ed, Wiles, 1111 W, llth Harry Wiles, 1111 W, lith Ruben Zadigan, 1336 Vt. wisi Gibmaimaiaiie sates Gi cairns eee gee ae PRESHMAN BASKETBALL PROSPECTS 1937 =8 Charles Barber, 1301 W, Campus Frank Buck, 1501 W, Campus. Gene Hiatt, 1301 W. Campus Billi Johnson, 1200 La, tT, P, Hunter, Jr., 1200 La, Jack Morgan, 1200 la, Paul Hormuth, 1200 La, Maurice Jackson, 1200 La, William Beven, 1540 La, Paul Yankey, 1540 La, Albert Simoncic, 1540 la, Darrell Haynes, 1621 Edgehill Wm, McKinley, 1621 Edgehill im, Hogben, 1425 Tenn. Robert Grubb, 1425 Tenn, Wm, Geiger, 1425 Tenn, Robert Allen, 1111 W. lith Everett Buehler, 1111 W, 11th — Jack Standish, 1111 W, llth George Westfall, 1004 W, 4th ‘Edward Weiford, 1025 W, Hills Freshman Basketball Prospects Sigma Alpha Epsilon, ESO1l West Campus, Phone 726 Charles Barber, Abilene | Frank Buck, Kansas City, Kansas Gene Hiatt, Kansas City, Kase Pi Kappa Alpha, 1200 kamskna Louisfiama Phone 565 Bill Jonnson, Lawrence, Kase = FP. Hunter, Jr., Okla., City, Jack Morgan, Pittsburg, Paul Hormuth, Topeka Maurice Jackson, Lyons, Phi Gamma Delta, 1540 Louisiana, Phone 443 William Beven, Wichita, Paul Vankey, Wichita, Albert Simoncic, Pittsburg, cece Phi Delta Theta, 1621 Edgehill, Phone 957 | Darrell Haynes, Russell, William McKinley, Kansas City, Beta Theta Pi, 1425 Tennessee, Phone 5524 William Hogben, Kansas City, _ Robert Grubb, Newton, = William Geiger, Leavenworth, Delta Tau Delta, 1116 West llth, Phone 1106 Rovert Allen, Brazil, Ind, ” Everett Buehler, Lawrence, as. Jack Standish, Larned, " Alpha Tau Omega, 1004 West 4th, Phone x@@% 837 hy George Westfall, Halstead, . Delta Upsilon, 1025 West Hills, 2903 : E@ward Weiford, Kansas City,