_ Naveuber 15, 1957s Mr. Earl Palkenstien, Athletic Associations Dear Earls _ t have talked to Dean Swarthout and it is perfectly agreeable to him to set up the seats on the stage for the versity~frosh game on December 3, and leeve them up for our Doame and Ottawa games om the 6th and 7th. ae Then wo can again set them up for the Baker game on the 15th and use them for the three games with Baker, Southwestern and Morningside. | = | I thimk your idea is a bully one to admit the stud« . ents to the first three games on’ their activity tickete a Do you not think it would be a good idea to let the’ Jay James begin selling season tickets as éarly as possible? Also, since we have the schedule made out, is it not a good idea to have placards made for home games?. Would we have time, to get them from Leader Zeus and Company, the same oute fit that printed the football placards? ae a, Sincerely yours, FAs | Director of Physical Education.