UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE Aus. e637 DIVISION OF PHYSICAL. EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS August 9th a =e eS Dr. Forrest C. Allen Haemwold Cottage Culver, Indiana Dear Dr. Allen: We received your letters Saturday morning and this morning and are glad to know that you are having such a frivilous time back in little 'ol New York. If it is cool up where you are you had better stay there as it is scorching here. All of last week and beginning with this Monday morning the temperature has been hovering around the 100 mark and the humidity is very high, making everyone very uncomfortable and cross. They have our offices completely wrecked and we are installed back in the large intramural office. Mr. Falkenstien and I have put our desks end to end and a few filing cabinets on the end of them so that every- one who comes in has to feel his way around. As far as they have gone with the new arrangement it looks very well and I believe is going to be much nicer than we anticipated on first consideration. When they cut the door from your office into the hall they ran into a night big water pipe but luckily it was a dead one and they could just cut out the part that was in the way. The deor came out nicely that they cut through the stone wall and the glass partitions are working in nicely into the front. office. It looks as if someone had just pushed it over to the other side. Elwyn N. Dees put out to sea yesterday on that (we tried to tell him stormy) sea of matrimony. And as would be the case, I believe it was the hottest and most perspiring day we have had, but we stuck it out and saw him safely on his way. It was a lovely wedding regardless of the weather and Maxine looked very lovely and cool in her new fall ensemble and orchids-! (I am afraid Elwyn is making a rather expensive start there don't you think because women have rather a weakness for such blossoms). They are motoring up to Canada to visit Milo Clawson and Ormand Beach and plan to be gone about three