UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE ~ ate DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS #2 weeks which will bring Elwyn back around the lst of September to go to work. They will furnish their home at that time and I am worried for fear Elwyn won't get to hang any of the pic- tures and do the odd jobs that go along with this moving into a new home business. Mr. Falkenstien and Mr. Davidson have recovered your plaque "The Penalty of Leadership" and Mr. Fal- kenstien said ask you if you wanted it mailed to you or just kept here at hand until you returned. You did not state in your letter. Jim Raport just came into our office and stated it reminded him of W.C. Fields filing system - you know where Mr. Fields piled all the papers on his desk and pulled the roll top down - and strange as it seemed could find any paper they asked him for. That will give you a pretty good idea of how we look. I am enclosing a letter which came in the morning mail from Mr. Elbel for you and also some requi- sitions which Mr. Falkenstien would like to have signed. With best wishes for some nice resort weather when you reach Indiana, I am Sincerely, = P.S. Tell Jane that Joe told me about helping she and Mary pack and he stated he didn't know two girls could have so many things to take on a vacation. Which only goes to show that Joe doesn't know about girls although his assertations regarding the matter are in the affirmative. Le We