Mre Forrest Ce Allen University Of Kansas Lawerence Kansas. ce Mre Gwinn Henry, Director of Athletics, University of Kansase Dear Gwinns I have just learned of the financial stringency in regard to the proposed athletic budget for 1959-40. For that reason I wish to withdraw my request for the proposed electric scoreboard entailing an expenditure which would add to the deficit. Having been placed in your position as Athletic ee ee ee ee : I assure you that you may have at all times ny united and continued cooperatione Very sincerely yours, firector of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache basket ics low, but eimce I bavan"t suffered any more than the other fellow I on somtent to contime with the ten foot basket. However, when the ory about a tall center, and so at is not the tall x but the low basket that is the Wishing you a vory pleasant eumor, and a very suocessful eage season next winter, I am . Sincerely yours, > | : Director of Physical Edusation, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches - LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 300 PEARL STREET BROOKLYN, NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS ‘ ; TELEPHONE: AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION TRIANGLE 5-6211 CLAIR F. BEE, DIRECTOR June 2lst, 1938 Dr. F. Ce Allen Coach of Basketball University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My door Drf en Aé Chairman of the Basketball Rules- Recommendations Committee of the National Association of Basketball Coaches, I hope you will consent to serve on the cmmmittee for the season of 1938-1939. Will you please sign and return the enclosed card. It is doubtful that there willbe. any major changes, However, I should like to have your assistance and advice in case such changes should be considered. Personally, I feel that there have been too many changes in the last few years, and that we are in need of a good long “Rules-change~ rest", Best wishes for a good vacation. Sincerely, \ CFB:GG Clair Bee Ene. INTERCOLLEGIATE ELIGIBILITY RULES EACH STUDENT MUST MAINTAIN SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC STANDING IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE IN ATHLETICS. NO STUDENT MAY REPRESENT THE UNIVERSITY IN A MAJOR SPORT UNTIL HE HAS ATTAINED SOPHOMORE STANDING. STUDENTS WHO TRANSFER FROM OTHER COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES MUST COMPLETE ONE YEAR OF COLLEGE WORK AT LONG ISLAND UNIVER- SITY BEFORE THEY MAY PARTICIPATE IN MAJOR SPORTS, Your special cout ttee on finances viahes to report as follows; i. ‘mat a Loan for $6,000 be negotiated at once for the purpose of ; | the Absociation until March, 1937. The Loan to be split peteden 2» That the playground property south of the Hill and that the houses —See Se ee Oe a Se ee prices paid for such property by the Association, Se ‘That support be given the efforts of certain menbers of the Logis~ lature who believe it might be possible to persuade that body to take over OF SAE O08 BF AE PPLE 06 MOD ee Ate eter Gr yetnee 08 eupncty aentiont wie ms ty 3, 20 bes: thy A0a ew ot property 1 " o Re wip foe” a) aA ey de In the event the 1 islat: site s0anialin ie pennant oe “ Leja pease a the Playing field and the houses and lote tat theew properiten be placed ce | : = Association should pursues _ — ikea 1 ot tthe 0 cooperating activities Le: (@)e ‘Thet the share esi meme neonctnet (e)e That the Assoosati Be That competitive bide be taken for brosdonsting rights. Se ‘That tickets to athletic events be mde a ilable to faculty menbors and enployes of the university at prices only alightly higher than, Seno aargee stent. ‘tion of our committee extendss _, We are net ure how ier the jurisdi ‘Ammuning that it is one of our dutioe to consider mtters which in « general way pertain to the nlargemen Of income we propose the following: le that an end coach be employed. shroughout t (Be The . employed at a salary of $2,500. Gir. DArgine to be sasigned ae coach of the *D* teen). ‘the 26% n of an elumi ‘the ontvnnityy and to muport the stnletic progran in much other mys as may becone xdvisable “We muggest the state be divided into a number of sections, somewhere between 12 and 20, that one mn be chosen as the head r eutative in each district and that he select sone five or six graduates ‘to work with hime ‘The close cooperation of ‘the Alumni Association in this. respect is deemed necessary. However, 4% ie our belief that the reprosentan ‘tives should be tied in Aireotly with the Athletic poards Some one member Of tee Mumm Daly should be chosen to bend and direct the entire program te “TE the money can be found) we believe it would be advisabl te sprtenttp te tare « competent alumnus cover the state during the coning/wumer primtAly saad ‘4 * 9 ER oe 2 CMa 2 so '5"* oe mies a a ° Sipe > for the purpose of informing alumi concerning the exact status of things tnletio here at the Untvernity ant of developing @ favorable alumi sttitule 7 wherever criticism is founds es (‘Se ‘Your committee believes that our major problem is one of securing legislators, and general public are concernede The committee believes that the action initiated by the Athletic Board. April 14, 1939. ite Guim Henry, Director of Athietios, University of Kansage Dear Gwims V1 you please read the sport colum in the Daily ensan as of Thursday, April 15th? I am just afraid that sane fellow has been crying a little too loud. Do you think this ‘aie uma uianratiee aaeet cata Sincerely yours, LM POA SAH Varsity Basketball Coache April 10, 193% - Mire Grimn Henry, Director of Athletics, | University of Kansase Dear Mre Henrys In addition to the names sulmitted to were anitted from the first list. Clinton Kamaga Bob Minor Lyle Sturdy — Bill Valter Varsity Basketball Coaches July 28, 19590 : fi it i ut aus il : Ha fi | AT. pd G88 Director of Physical Bdwation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coathe FCAsAH May 29, 1939¢ Mp. Guinn Henry, Digectar of & University of Kanses. 2 fe Deas Gwimne , I have sent a copy of the enclosed correspondence to Bill Hargiss, and I em wondering if you lsiow of any Joplin anglés. Bill Collins, a Missouri man, is coaching at Joplin — end I an wonderins why so many inquiries are casing fron ; oe Directer of Physical Education, FCAsAH , Varsity Basketball Coaches — April 27, 1959¢ Voxmity Baskothell Conch, Diyestor of Physical Idtucation F 2 Ge to We We favia i i April 27, 1939. Mire Karl Kloos, Business Offices Dear Karls I am enclosing a copy of the letter I have just written Gwimm Henry regarding the installation of the electric score= board in the auditorium for basketball games. I am asking for this because we will not have mny expenditures and it is so badly meeded. It would be a big improvement to balance the floor with the scoreboard at one end and the clock at the othere Iwill greatly appreciate your consideration of cur re~ queste ; Cordially yours, Varsity basketball Coach, PCAsAH Director of Physical Education, : April Zl 19396 lire rt Henry, Direstbe of Athletics, Uni versity of Kansase Dear Gwinns _ ‘I want to thank you very kindly for the check which will enable me to attend the Rules meeting in New Yorks I have several very important fimetions to perform. which I em suré will not injure the University of Kansas in any waye I'll try to behave myself in New Yorke Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Edueation, : FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. g : u bh wih i | uf ie if iil eae a a tik Lj ity a |e a 4 del nit ip fai Ht Uhl Ho Lath i : i March 21, 1939, WG tal ire eary wats out burden i ae Agee 3 et SS eae ae ales sath vee and we can to take the upon my return, and if me we will work senttiis oak a nighty attention will be glad you and I progran to ¢ rf out over my z 8 the for you to make the budget balance. ghz peed eélling to th you in turn thi Assuring you of my hearty cooperation in reduce been ; working Sincerely yours, Divectar of Fiysionl Siunntion, Varsity Basketball Coach. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS March 13th 1 9 3 9 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Varsity Basket Ball Coach Robinson Gynmmasium Dear Dr. Allen: The basket ball programs for the 1958-59 basket ball season totalled 16,500 and cost us 75.00. Last year with a ten game schedule they cost us 89.25. I know the programs serve a definite purpose, and the basket ball fans have become accustomed to having them. I am wondering what you think about the cost of these programs? It seems to me that it runs into quite a little item of expense, which I believe we could eliminate or at least cut down somewhat by having some basket ball player with a little sales ability solicit the advertising from some reliable merchants down town. By doing this we might be able to put out a more elaborate program, and even enable the boy soliciting to make some money, if the thing was handled properly. I trust that you will understand that I am not critizing, but I think that sometimes it is well for these things to be called to one's attention as the cost may be considerable more than you had thought it was. Sincerely yours, oe -L. Falkenstien, Secty U. of Kans. Phys. Edu. Corp. ELF: IW March 3, 19396 ie Gwiun Nemry, Director of Athletics, University ef Kousase Dear Gwimns I ag returning Cam Henderson*s letter to yous Yo We would not care to meet Cam Henderson and his itinerants. I think you will understands Thank you for sending the letter to mee Cordially yours, Director of Physical Bducation, POAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache February 9, i939. Cordially yours, February 15, 15939¢ his Gwimn Henry, University of Kansase Direetor of Physieal Edueation, Ht hil agerd ing dh Hin iad pln cal i WE aah HE iit 7. wae a qihdy i aa peed’ ¢ stg eR a ru pill | ia] ‘i fi s218) a3; buble ha at Dale ant a tise ay i i ali! i, er sai ah nai i a ui ivi i if ee vital? i iii ine itu iy faye et es 5 has uli Hd a visas! ai aft i ay idhialls i nite Wi ane tte Hi is OL i ee i ball Betsy ay taal i i ia Lag He i i aud sige Renn HE iy juste $43 325433 itt elhaalit i $i2 Gigs February 15, i939- Mire Gwinn Henty, — Director of Athletics, University of Kansase Dear Guims For your information, I sending Sumer School schedule. ‘You will notice that provision for sixmen feotball, end that there work offered in the wanen’s department in physical eduea- tione is re 100. Prinsiples of Commmity Recreation 3 hrse Allen 2006 Theory & Practice of Athletic Trnining 3 hres Allen 300. Special Problems 2 4 hrse Flbel 312, Senimar in Physical Education Shree Bibel Very sincerely yours, , , ‘Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH : Varsity Basketball Coache Jenuary 21, 1959» petiegi 388s i at, 4 ti; ule sis iy MBB! Tan A eit v7 is ip 4 i “ye Hit es of Hl ed iu ite ayn iis \ t Ut tine Will ai 4a! Hs af TAG i : Hl ai ined sRhAS Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache Jdenuary 19, 1959s Y iia! 4 i LE ah Pf 4 2 it Pag A Thala vs i 4 i nL 4 ag aged i ee “ae i ally? 4 aoa nan 3