December 28, 1944. Mr. Asa S. Bushnell, Executive Director, Central Office for Eastern Intercollegiate Athletics, Biltmore Hotel, Madison Avenue and 43rd Street, New York 17, N.Y. Dear Asa: I acknowledge with thanks your good letter of the Z2ist instant. I trust that you had a very Merry Christmas and wilt have a Happy New Year, if wo can in this country under the conditions that we are now facing. I believe that correspondences, even if lengthy, would not be the answer to our situation. You talk about unsubstantiated stories, publicity for rumors, secondhand reports, and alleged happenings that do harm to college basketball. I am wondering where the N.C.A.A. has been all this time. There certainly have been many, many things happening. For example: the Jesse Owens episode in Cleveland, Ohio, when he matriculated at Ohic State University at Columbus (investigated by the outstanding and dominantly controlling officers of the Big Ten, and whitewashed); the Everett Case-Piggie Lambert—Sem Barry episode that the Big Ten investigated, with a fizzle-out and another whitewash. fhe fuses were pinched off before they got to the powder keg. Asa, I wonder if you really think that the public is taking the administrators of college athletics very seriously these days. I have before me rules of the Big Ten and the Big Six. They are a joke because the rules are not being followed, and I know it and thousends of others mow it. On page 12 in the Big Six handbook under recruiting, is this rules "1. By Alwmi and Friends. The Conference is opposed to the recruiting of prospective students by alwmi and friends, when the reason for such recruiting is that the prospective students are athletes. ‘The conference will make continued and positive efforts to eliminate such recruiting. 2. By Members of Athletic Staffs. Members of athletic staffs shall not recruit prospective ath- letes. ‘The following are submitted as typical examples of reoruiting: (a) Urging enroliment thro initiating correspondence, direct confer- ence or indirect message. (b) Promising employment, loans, scholarships or remission of fees. (co) Indirectly contacting prospective athletes by suggesting to alumi or friends that they endeavor to recruit them."