Page 4 , War Memorials , May 30 At Kalamazoo, Michigan, a pretentious campaign got under way when a sub- stantial gift was made by the father of Lt. Chester M+ Angell who was killed in action over Sardinia. A recreation Gees with facilities for football, baseball and track will be dedicated when completed as “Angell Field". Supple~ menting this, the Kalamazoo College Associates are now seeking additional funds for a field house for other sports and forms of recreation. At Burlington, North Carolina, an organization was formed some time ago and incorporated as "The Burlington Community Building Corporation". This group has already purchased a block of property near the bose town business district and when materials become available will build a recreation center as @ living war memorial. According to Chairman Trautman inquiries from new towns and communities continue to come in by the score every day of the week and the total is ex-= pected to reach 5,000 by the end of the year. "A tremendous increase in national physical fitness is expected when — these memorials are completed" Chairman Trautman states. "This should be an everlasting monument to the courage and sacrifice of our service men and women's