RANDOM REPORTS ON PLANS FOR ALABAMA: No decision. Have discussed plan definite done. . opportunity to discuss plan, (Tom Garner AMHERST : “ Lf wt Sete aye a. WAR MEMORIALS AT COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES s for an alumi home but nothing Hesitate to launch campaign until alumni chapters have had died December 13, 19h.) Have started to raise $100,000 for new intramural athletic field, eventually to be dedicated as Amherst's war memorial. BROWN: Present inclination is to postpone decision to now in serviceée CALIFORNIA: to know what others are thinking, doinge DENVER U. Just now setting up committee of evolve plans. No decision has even been through the minds of some members of the of greatly enlarged proportions would be No formal action. Suggestions (2) open air Greek theaters Will teke a look around to INDIANA Use scholarships be provided. to last war: Consideration of proposition coming up in immediate futuree include wishes of men Want alumi, faculty and students to considered bit the thought runs administration that a student union the desirable things heard: (1) Fund to produce income for Moct likely that some memorial will see what others are doing. Memorials Stadium, Union, Women's Dorm. IOWA STATE: Students got college to raise fees $2 a quarter to provide funds for added wing to present Student Ynion as memorial to Towa State men end women in World War II, the present Union being said lately about a project which was discus 750,000 combination field hovse and auditorium, a memorial to World War {. Nothing sed last November involving a Some aliwmi disappointed at making added wing to last Warts memorial the memorial for this ware Might do something about ite STATE U. OF IOWA: Last three gradueting classes have left class momorial funds to be used in University general memorial stipulating thet a committee of University administrative officials, the alumni secretary and presidents of classes involved will determine nature and location of Memorial and arrange for procurement of additional fundse KANSAS ¢ in process of considering memoriale KANSAS STATE: Nothing formal yet done. Committee chosen by alumni president, at request of Chancellor now May declare new Student Union now almost ready for construction as War Memorial. MISSOURI CENTRAL STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE: NEBRASKA: Alumni organization of senior 50,000 bell tower honoring their members who have lost lives. .. of general Alumni Association expects to put before next meeting the question of general University memoriale restoration of University Hall, only building on campus that has been made: from 1870 to 1886. Chapel. Campaign now under Waye men's honorary body contemplates President the alumi board at One suggestion thle Car. aproet Te