Random Reports on Plans for War Memorials at Colleges & Universities----page Ce. OHIO STATE: Writing $25,000 for War Memorial Scholarships into the annual Alumni Fund program this year. Same plan to carry on for two or three yearSe OKLAHOMA: No memorial now planned except tablet provided by class of 19h. Student Union, a memorial to last war, to be expanded by bond issue and paid from student fees and operationse This is not a memorial to this war's participants howevere PENN STATE: Executive committee composed of alumni and trustees of the College will determine policies of any campaign Professional fund raising organiza= tion likely will be used. Penn State's greatest needs include student welfare buildings including Student Union, Field House, Chapelo PRINCETON: Committee has been appointed but no plans have been made for a single University memorial. Rather the committee has made its task the suggesting of possible memorials for individuals who might be interested in establishing an individual memorial for some friend or relative. After last war the names of Princeton men who died were put wp in Memorial Hell along side those who fell in the Revolution, Civil and Spanish American wars, The various classes established wor memorial scholarships for their classmates. Probably about same procedure will be followed after this ware TEXAS: Matter under discussion a year ago but quiescent now because of other pressing problemse WISCONSIN. Problem in air. Centennial in 1949 throws question of memorials for this occasion into consideration along with War memorialse Movement on foot to get Legislature appropriate money to provide memorial for ‘jorld War IIe Nothing definitee ITEM FROM AMERICAN ALUMNI COUNCIL NEWS, JANUARY, 19]5. Jim Armstrong (Notre Dame) reported on his survey of proposed war memorialse Of 135. scattered colloges, hl planned no memorials; 30 would construct some type of building (usually for athletic purposes); 17 will erect tablets; 22 will have miscellaneous memorials such as arches, gate= ways, and flagstaffs; 25 don't know yote