MERTING OF COMETTTRE O8 WAR MRMORIAL ee eee schatags heawany $4, i00 24, 1945 Present: Justice Hugo Te Wedell, chairman Geanestier Besne We Maiebt Edward We Tanner Dre Ie thoy Allen « Chase le de send . Chairman Justice Wedell outlined the of the meeting: ‘To consider (en censushan of WeokA tow 1X wanertal for ¢ Seeeeeee roo Holmes to review the Untversity's experiences in building its World Wer I memorial. tire Uolnes told of the choice of the stadiun and wion as @ joint nenorisl. Tow these approximately $965,000 was induced in of which sonething like The reminder was used in elleetion and tion expensese In addition to the benefits of the memorial etrvotures he declared that the sotivity had engendered tremendous effect in relationship between the —a and the students and elumnie This was the f suscesatul student end alumi eid to the University. It had established a oF civing. ee ee eee ee ee laters “He ed nemen Tee Sens eavedty Wane way: Medical School Uniem, Athletec Direetor ee eer ae ro Stadiun debt by gifte of Yar Fonds, the Willien Alien @ Foundation the Danforth Chapel, the lest mentioned ree Chandelier Malott was aske: to advise the committee as te desirable develop- ments which he might have in mind and which might be used as memorial projecte.