Fae Va Improvements and Additions and cost thcrcoof,. The completion of the intcrior of the building from 1929 up to the present time has been financed entirely by student fees and by class gifts. This fact that such oxpenditures from these sources have been most enthusiastically championed by tho students themselves is most — cloquent testimony to the regard in which the building is held in student estimation. There now follows a complete list of those improvements and expenditures: 1928-1939 Partitions, radiation and additional work for Union Building $ 1850.08 1929=1930 Repairs, improvenernts, folding doors Architectural services Radio Total 1930=1931 Repairs, improvenents, supplics, ballroom decoration Furniture and drapories, Council Roon Billiard tables, etce, Total 1932-1935 Fountain and other equipment Amplifier, Ballroon &rchitect services Total 19354193401935 Ballroom completion Architect feo Equipment Additional construction Total Se 5057.16 129.50 _ 268,00 5454.66 ——— eee 2467.71 295655 T17e21 3478.25 Se Se eR 149,98 326,00 20925 496 25 ee 7529.98 216.90 56514 174.75 $8286.77 1935-1936 Service Driveway, Men's toilot, chockstcnd Painting Architect's fee Now amplificr “Window draperies, furnishings and equipment Total 1936-1937 ( Summer 1936) Equipment and furnishings, Pine Roon Radiation and lighting installation Plans and Architect's fee Completion and changes in building Finishing 3rd floor west of Pino Roon Cast iron stairway between 2nd and 3rd floor Changing partition in sub-basemert Sound proof doors in Cafetoria Painting in building Dining Room equipment Fountain cquipment Total 1937-1938 (summer 1937) Changes and improvoments Building ballroom stage Changes in sub-basenment to include: building partitions and finishing women's recreation room and arcaway outside Moving and finishing book oxchange Building and finishing Jayhawkor office on third floor Building vontilation system on Ballroom floor Painting in building Ventilation system, Ballrocn Dining Room equipment Building cquipment Miscellaneous ropairs and equipment Total 1938=19359 ( Summer 1938) Painting ontire main floor, stairways Circuit breaker pancls for Ballroom and Fountain to eleninate cloctrical hazards Completion of Old English Room and hallway on 3rd floor | Architect's foe . Now furniture ond furnishings main lounge and English roon Equipnmont in English Roon 1287.96 17392 200,00 95.00 1049.61 1641.50 277.68 225,08 8088.55 271,54 523472 1880.35 597.00 982.71 364,93 _155.69 $3980.66 798402 247,73 4090.52 166.00 2400.00 598,61 $11027.87 ee 1988-1989: centinuods New Public Address Syston New R.C.Ae Victor radio phonograph Refinishing Ballroom floor Other miscellaneous repairs and additions Fountain equipment Kitchen equipment Total 266 442 240,80 80.00 132.42 88,00 236.65 &9,345_57 TraRs Fas Use of the building by Students The story of the prosent day use of tho building is best told by the following table of figures: 193 7=19358 Septe to Jone 193841939 le Average total numbor of people using the building for scheduled mectings, forums, dances ete, Ll, 7435 28,590 2e Approximate number of people who enter building to read or lounge but docs not count any who morely pass through building or those cating 53, 280 40,000 Se Total number served in food units 209, 560 80 5000 4 Total additional number served at special partiocs, luncheons, dinners, teas, rocoptionse 25, 809 14,950 Se Number of students rogularly employed in buildings average 40 50 6, Numbor of part-time employces to assist with special partios and other work in building. 115 82 7e Total carned by student employecs thus far The above figures will show the increased use of tho building and conso= quent taxing of all of its facilitios, and small staff. This year with the completion of the English Room, the Pine Room was again freed for mectings and an attempt was made not to use it for meal service unless absolutely necessarye Tho wost end of tho ballroom was furnished with the old lounge furniture in order to use it as a mocting room. The Mon's- lounge though vory undcsirable because of noise from tho main Loungo and lobby is continually usod for smokers, teas, meetings with a speaker. On a number of occasions the student activitics office has been pressed into servico for moctings of small groupse Also, tho cafeteria is usod when no other rooms are available. CONCLUSION It is to be hoped that the foregoing report presents this state of the Menorial Union in the light as onvisioned by those who initiated its beginnings and who desorve testimonial to their efforts. In its use and in its high regard in student minds it compares very well indeod to other comparable Unions, The point of saturation in its use has, howe ever, boon reached, This is amply demonstrated by the fact that very ofton sovoral student mectings and as many as threo banquets followed by a Varsity dance are hold on the same night. To cater to such a progran as this in anything approaching an adequate fashion is under our present physical condition of size, almost an impossibility. To your attention is also called the question of the permancy and perhaps the authori- tativeness of the present Union Operating Committeos To facilitate your consideration of these matters and any other orders as the Board of Directors may sec fit this roport is respectfully subnitted, Henry Wernor, Chairman The Kansas Memorial Union Operating Committee Kansas Union Henry Werner, Chairman Hermina Zipple, Director Receipts Balance from 1936837 (Student Organizations) $5, 77101 Balance from 1936=37 (Transfer Account) 105.75 $5,876.76 Cafoterias Cash Receipts $25,609.85 Valuo of meals to Emp, 297355e07 Other Depts, for meals 748,94 Sales of Food to Ft. 806.01 Concessions (Aude) 452,97 Transfer Checks 256.89 Equipment Sold 12.00 Tax Collected 412.29 $36,054.52 Fountain: Cash Reccipts $12,365913 Other Depts. for moals 121612 Value of meals to Empe 756950 Tax Collected 244,01 $13 5486.56 Rocroation Rooms Cash Receipts $2,535-90 Tax Collected 51604 @ 2,586.94 Hall and Office Rental 15491450 Check Stand Reccipts 183404 MidsWeek Dances: Recoipts 503.89 Tax Collected 10,09 513,98 Change Returned 28025 Library Rental 56494 Memorial Union Pledges 208-50 Class of 1937 Mcnorial (Stage) 500.00 Share of Activity Tickets 7,778_54 Misc'l., Refund, ctc,. 51654 Varsity Dances 434.74 1937 S. Ss Receipts (Transfer Acct.) 367.55 $58,934.40 Total Receipts 964,811.16 DISBURSEMENTS Cafeterias: Labor and Salary (Cash Pde Out) $6,274.80 Kansas Union (cont.) ~] Labor (Meals in Exchange) Mdsee Equipment Expense Transfer Accout Taxes ronitted to Stato $2 ,735~5 | 2,064 ,20 292,93 Fountains Cash Pd. out for Labor & Sale 5,349.76 Food in Exchg. for Labor 756 650 Masee yO 626926 Purchases from Cafeteria 806,01 Equipnent Expense 853928 Expense (Transfer Account) 26 436 Tax Remitted to State ane Reeroation Rooms Labor Expense 163.66 Expense (Transfer Account) 20.55 Tax Romitted to State ae Ball Rooms Labor (Cash Paid Out) 844617 Labor (Meals in whe and Cafoe) 151,61 Expenso Tax on Moals for —_ Gone, Lounge, & Check 23219678 Tax on mB8tisLhorEmployces LO0e12 Meals for Employcos T1045 llid Week Dance Orchostras Free Mixer «= Orchestra Tax Remitted on Dance Roc, General Exponse: Ay 2 ($9,010.37 ~~ O50) AP 16,852,508 905478 7432027 158,45 859,64 258,46 1,212.16 184.21 seetl 995.78 205—25 | 307 780,00 76400 10.08 Ropair, Phos, Magazinc, Janitor, Supplics 1,679.88 Transfer Account Bad Checks (Cafe. & Ft.) Convention Travel Expense ReCohe Public Addross (Ball Room) Union Act. Fund (Appropriation) Cooling Syston Draperics and Venotian Blinds 50 683 $29,589.20 12,814.88 1)447284 1,203.90 25948530 865,08 1,710671 17,30 154,79 240 « 00 221,08 150,00 597.00 273925 Kansas Union (Corte) Bldge Inmprovenonts (Includes Stage Gift of 37) 3156390493 Transfer Account 219413 32,110.06 Furne and Equipmont ee 522-95 Change Returned 240 900 Handling Charge 250 00 Total Disbursonents $55,556 654 Balance carricd forward to 1938839 (Studs Orge) 95314045 Balance carricd forward to 1938839 (Transeiccte) 140,59 The report of the Kansas Union, like past Annual Roports, includes purchases for Juno of the preceding year but docs not in= clude purchases for Juno of the Fiscal Yoarse It is a combined roe port of the Account with the Student Organizations and the ono earricd on the books of the University of Kansas, There are two balanees brought forward from tho preceeding yoar and two carriod forward to the new youre The following items were reportod by Miss Hermina Zipple, Dire Accounts Reccivablo, Juno 50, 1938: Cafctoria $1,032 685 Accounts Payable, June 30, 1938: Cafotcria 909005485 (319,84 of this amt, for Equipe) Fountain 4.24 ¢21 Gontl. & Loungo Expe 120.41 Recreation Roon 8-34 Bldg. Assot 89 e228 Ball Room 7¢76 Invontorys Cafcteria $656,431 Fountain 547.00 April 18, 1939. Mire Henry Werner, University of Kansas. Dear My. Werness I have received your notice of the mesting of the Board of Directors of the Memorial Union Corporation, Ee Oe CY APN: OS SD ON Saturday morning, but will try to get over to the Union possibly at 11 o'clock or a little later. We are eon= Director of Physical Education, * THE MEMORIAL UNION OPERATING COMMITTEE | LAWRENCE, KANSAS April 15,1939 Dr. F.C.Allen, Director Memorial Union Corporation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: The Union Building has proven a decided help to the University of Kansas. Under the temporary Operating Committee it has met expenses and paid for improvements so the building is finished, furnished and rooms and facilities are bocked ahead, and the budget with cash on hand is well handled. The temporary Operating Committee, the University and Alumni can be helped materially. ‘Some action by Directors is necessary. Therefore, a meeting of the B oard of Directors is hereby called to meet at 10:30 A.M. Saturday, April 22nd in the Pine Room of the Union. Luncheon will be served at 12:00 noon. The docket will be: l- A report on the history and status of the Union. 2- A propcesal for reorganization on a continuing and more useful and practical basis for the operation and future use and control of the Union. ( This proposal has been prepared by Henry Werner, Chairman, Union Operating Committee; Fred Ellsworth, Secy. of the Alumi Ass'‘n.; C.C.Stewart, Atty.; and will be presented to the Directors for their consideration. ) 3- The Board's action on this matter in the form of amendments to the present constitution and by-laws. 4- If Directors take action on 2 and 3, they should pass a Resolution asking the approval and cooperation of the Chancellor and Regents. KANSAS MEMORIAL CORPORATION a By: 3 at 2 ‘Irving 1,Pees. ~ P.S. Since this meeting is very urgent, will yo please sign the enclosed card and return at your earliest convenience. # ae _ PROPOSED LIST OF NEW MEMBERS TO FORM BOARD OF DIRECTORS, MEMORIAL C ORPORATION Irving Hill, President Fe Ce Allen Richard Fe Allen We Te Baumgartner Be Be Black Je Ge Blocker James Bounds, Chairman Activities Board Me Le Breidenthal Thornton Cooke Porter Fones Be Se Jeffery Karl Klooz, Bursar Chancellor De We Malott Miss Ee Meguiar, Women's Adviser Ce He Mullen, Presse MeSeGs Dre He Le Snyder, Board of Regents C. Ce Stewart Miss Esther Twente Henry Werner, Men's Adviser Velma Wilson, Press W-.S+GeAe Ce Pe Woodbury Officers President, Irving Hill Vice Press, Henry Werner Ce Pe Woodbury Me Le Breidenthal Secretary, °° Fred+ Ellsworth Treasurer, Karl Klooz Auditor, Fe We Hosford