President CLARENCE L. BURT, e’09 Hutchinson Directors CLEM LAMBORN, ‘07 Park Lane Hotel, Kansas City, Mo. GEORGE MARCH, ‘08, e’09 General Secretary and Editor Graduate Magazine FRED ELLSWORTH, ‘22 Lawrence The University of Kansas Vice-President BALFOUR S. JEFFREY, ‘28 Nat'l Bk. of Topeka Bldg., Topeka Directors WALTER G. THIELE, I'10 Supreme Court, Topeka BRUCE HURD, I'14 e e @ , EI Reno, Okla. Santa Fe Offices, Topeka MARIA SLADE MAY, ‘16 a ¥ Atchison HEADQUARTERS - ROOM 2 - FRANK STRONG HALL JON Building (oo T. J,STRICKLER, e'06 . Wichita carritt Bldg., FRANK L. CARSON, ‘13 Kansas City, Mo. t: K First Nat‘! Bank, awrence - ansas Wichita MYRA LITTLE REITZ, ‘32 is % Argentine Station R.R. 2, Avril 28 » 1939 DOLPH SIMONS, ‘25 Kansas City, Kans. i Lawrence Dre F. Ce Allen 104 Robinson Gymnasium Campus Dear Dre Allen: It occurred to me that you would like to have a copy of the minutes of the board of directors meeting held last Saturday, so I am sending you a copy herewithe Incidentally, if you see any corrections that should be made in these, + wish you would let us know before we write them into the permanent record booke Cordially yours, : Secretary fe/mjs Active Membership, with Graduate Magazine Subscription, $3 Annually. Life Membership, $60 Single Payment or 10 Installments of $7.50. Fee Meeting of Direstors UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS MEMORIAL CoRPoRaTTON Pine Room, Memorial Union April 22, 3939, 10250 asm oe Nupinstian comitees Sciadig ome a President midds Ce Me Multeny, President Wen" s Student Geuseti Dre We Le Board of Regents G, G, 3t : Henry Cents mast Advi | 8s Adviser Velma “ilson, *resident Yomen's Self Geverning Association Ge P. Woodvury | = Poo | It was moved by i'r, Fonee ani seconded by Mr, Yoodbury: that the report of the committee be adopted and the persone named be elected a8 menibere of the Board of Direetors of the Memorial Corporation. Carried y The seeretary, reporting for the nominating committee, offered the following slate of officers: ) : President, Irving Hill Viee Prees, Nenry Verner C. P. Yoodbury We Le Breidenthal Secretary, red Plisworth Treasurer, YVearl Floog awiitor, FP, ¥. Roeford Woved by Or. Lindley ani eeeonded by Yr. Pones that these officers be deelered eleeted. Corried. The chair eslled on Professor Henry Yerner, who has served as ¢hairman of the Union Operating Committee since 1972, to present his report of the Operating Committee's ectivities during the vast ten years, Wie report showed « history of the income from student _ fees during thet period ami showed the present income of 11.9% per year por student on the compulsory student ectivity fee besis te be virtuslly the lowest such fee in the country. Wie report showed thet, during the period, close to °50,900 of improvemente have been added +o the Union, ‘The nusber of persons using the Union annually has inereased until the number coming in for scheduled meetings, forums, denees, etc., had reached 25,090 by Jemary of the 20-39 year and was expected to he more then double thet by the end of the years The financial revert showed en annuel business of approximately $8,000. A copy of the complete report is attached to these minutes, It wae moved by Mr. Yoodbury end seconded by Professor Reungertner: that the overetions and bueiness tronsactions of the tnion Operating Committee be avvroved and thet Mr, Yerner's revort be received and filed. Carried. Moved by Mr. Yoodbury aml seconded by Yr. Beumgertner thet the geeretary be instructed to send letters exvresring the Poard's appreciation and approvel to each of the persone who hes served as sheirman of the tinion Operating Committee. Cerried, fhe cheirmean expressed the feeling of the Boerd that public expression should be made of the board's esratituie to the various glasses who have contributed to the tion, ani that articles should be carried in the Creduate Yegasine end olsewhere regerding the progress of the tions At the suggestion of Yr. Yoodbury the secretary we inetructed to write a fitting letter of commendation to Chancellor Liniley for his “Se fine leadership in bringing about the construction and operation of the Union. The chaimaan read the followiag propose! ameniiments to the by-laws of the Menoriel Corporation as submitted oy « committee which he had previously appointels le It is recommendel: that in Article I, sestion 2, of the bylaws beginning line Sy “and eiso full," to and includings “Board of Directors", line 7, be stricken out. @ It is recommended: that in Article II there be added, “Seotion 2, At the anmual Jone mecting of the Boari of Direstors there shell be presented a report of operations ani a financial statement. we Menorial Union Building for the past years" It was moved ay Mire food bury and seconded w Professor aunge eta ert V4 that these amendments be adopted. Cerrleds The following recommendation regarding tie permanent organization — of the Union Operating Committee was sabato to the Board by the chaixman t : It is recommended that the future Union Operating Count ttee, wh eh will supersede the teaporery operating committee set up July 26, 1958, shall 1 follews: The President of the Meaorial Corporetion The director of the building ex officio , 6 University stoff mexbers echoem by the Chancellor $ ‘lumad members chosen by the board of directors of ee ' Aggoetations the sesrctary to be one of them ox officie The Student President of Union Activities jam 4 Men students chosen by Ms Se Gey the present of thie M, Se Ce te be ome of these ex officio 4 Yomen students chosen by the JeSeGshes the ahaa of eSeee +o be one of these ex officic The Union operating committee shall have the hhetes Sanctions: le Supervision of stulent activities 2. Building welfare ond development The executive comaittee of the University of Kansas Memorial Corporation and of the Memorial Union operating committee shall be MMentical — po pegs tena ami shall have suthority to carry on the operation ani business ° OMe A® the suggest ion of Mr, Stewart the third line of the Listing of menbers wee changed to rend “6 University st«ff menbers chosen by the Chancellor, at least one of whom shall be a meuber of the Board of Direstors | of the Memoriel Corporations” and the fourth line in the Misting wes changed to read "$ alumi members chosen by the Board of Directors of the Alumal Association, the setretary to be one of thea ex officio, and at least one of whom shall be » member ef the Board of Directors of the Menorial Corpormtion." At the suggestion of Mr, Woodbury, iten #2 uader the Suggestions of the Operating Committee, was made to read "2 Building welfare anh development of the present wilding” On motion of Mr. Woodbury, seconded by Mr, Bleck, to the final paragraph of the resolutions was sdded “in the absence of the Board.” ‘The chairman subaitted to the Joart proposed set-up for the executive comalttec of Beth the Board of Directors and the Union Operating Committee. The recommeniation of the committee on organ- ization was ae follows: | Chaimaan President of the Menorial Corporation, Hr, Irving Hill Vice Chairmen Men's Stuleat Adviser, leary Verner Adviser of Jomen, Miss Hligabeth Neguisr University Bursar, Kari Kloos Director of Memorial Union, ex officio, Miss Hernina tipple University staff menber from the Board of Directors of Meaoriel Comoration, Prof, J, Ge Blocker Movel vy Mre Woodbury and seconfed by Mr. Jeffrey that the tion be sfoptel, Carrict. ‘Tae Boayd adjourned to heave lunch in the ingiish Room together with Boami of Regents. | | é ‘ i KANSAS MEMORIAL UNION BUILDING A report to the Memorial Union Corporation on its organization and prosresSe April 1959 PRCEUV Ee UC TL. OS Owing to the particular mechanism of building and operating of the Kansas Memorial Union Building no report in the nature of the one herewith presented has at any time been made. The reason for this will readily be seen in the presentation of the reporte The subject matter is given under eight headings which cover in as orderly a presentation as feasible, the historical, the financial, and the administrative aspects of the Unione These headings are as follows: Part I Charter and Organization to present time Part II A history of membership fees. Part III Summary of membership feces and subsidy received by other Unions. Part IV