to be one of thea ex officio, and at least one of whom shall be » member ef the Board of Directors of the Menorial Corpormtion." At the suggestion of Mr, Woodbury, iten #2 uader the Suggestions of the Operating Committee, was made to read "2 Building welfare anh development of the present wilding” On motion of Mr. Woodbury, seconded by Mr, Bleck, to the final paragraph of the resolutions was sdded “in the absence of the Board.” ‘The chairman subaitted to the Joart proposed set-up for the executive comalttec of Beth the Board of Directors and the Union Operating Committee. The recommeniation of the committee on organ- ization was ae follows: | Chaimaan President of the Menorial Corporation, Hr, Irving Hill Vice Chairmen Men's Stuleat Adviser, leary Verner Adviser of Jomen, Miss Hligabeth Neguisr University Bursar, Kari Kloos Director of Memorial Union, ex officio, Miss Hernina tipple University staff menber from the Board of Directors of Meaoriel Comoration, Prof, J, Ge Blocker Movel vy Mre Woodbury and seconfed by Mr. Jeffrey that the tion be sfoptel, Carrict. ‘Tae Boayd adjourned to heave lunch in the ingiish Room together with Boami of Regents. | | é ‘ i