Charter and Organization to the prescnt time The construction and operation of the Kansas Memorial Union was begun under tho authority of the following charters Copy of the Charter of the University of Kansas Memorial Corporation. CHARTER The undersigned, citizens of the Statc of Kansas, do hereby voluntarily associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming @ private corporation under the laws of tho State of Kansas, and do horeby certify: First That the name of this corporation shall be The University of Kansas Momorial Corporation Second That this corporation is not organized for profit, and that tho purposes for which it is formed arcs To collect, rocoive and disburso the funds herotofore or hereafter subscribed and to borrow money for the crection, cquipmont, operation and maintenanco of a Stadium upon tho athletic grounds of the Stato University of Kansas and a Memorial Union Building adjacent thoroto and to crect, equip, and operate said Stadium and the said Mcmorial Union Building in connection with tho State Univorsity of Kansas until such timo as said buildings shall bo fully taken ovor by tho Statc of Kansas to be oporated for cducational purposes in connection with and as a part of the State University of Kansase Third That the place where its business is to be transacted is at Lawronco, Douglas County, Kansase