was moved by Mi. Werner and secanded by Mr, MoKays That it is the sense of this Board that student sentiment is not mrcceptive to a reasonable increase a gdditions to the Union. This motion was revised to z0h fees not to exceed $5.00 a years $2.00 a sumer response sentiment, investigation willing to pay increased facilities students are préliminary plens for additions for the Union a months; detailed plans not before September; for a yours Moved by Mir, Werner and seeonded Mr. Stookey by Dr. Allen that the Board authorize ttee, such preliminary plans to be sub= preliminery plans for additias to the Union housing ser= _ mitted to the Board of Directors as early as possible. Carried. to prepare by the Executive Conmi: recommended vices The chairman emnounced that he would enll e meting of the Board for study of the Stookey plens as soon as they are ready, Adj Signed __ FEED ELLSWORTH Huco T. Wepett, ’15, I’20, President Frep ELLswortH, ’22, Secretary Bertua Lucxan McCoy, ’og, Vice-President Topeka, Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Emporia, Kansas ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of the UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PUBLISHER OF THE GRADUATE MAGAZINE HEADQUARTERS—RooM 2 Frank Stronc Hatt LAWRENCE, KANSAS June 18, 1941 Dre Fe Ce Allen 105 Robinson Gymnasium University of Kansas Dear Dre. Allen: Enclosed are minutes of the meeting of the Memorial Corporation held June 7- These minutes are for your files. If you see any corrections that should be made before we write these into the minute book, we would appreciate having theme Thanking you for your attendance at this meeting and for your continued interest and support of the Union, I an, Cordially yours, FE :mln ecretary Encle DIRECTORS Bruce Hurp, |’14, Santa Fe Offices, Topeka Joun E. Boyer, ’28, ’30, WKH Bldg., Wichita Frank L, Carson, 713, First Nat’] Bank, Wichita Do.px Simons, ’25, Journal-World, Lawrence Joanna Gieep Wacsrarr, fa’21, 1730 Indiana, Lawrence Crarence L. Burt, e’og, Hutchinson Barrour S. JEFFRey, 28, Nat’! Bank of Topeka, Topeka W. T. Grant, fs’o5, Business Men’s Assurance Co., Kansas City, Mo. Harianp B. Hutcuines, I’16, 1207 Grand, Kansas City, Mo. Oscar S. SraurFer, fs’12, Topeka State Journal, Topeka Active Membership, with Graduate Magazine Subscription, $3 Annually. Life Membership, $60 Single Payment or 10 Installments of $7.50. Deoenber 16, 1940 et Wash ata pets, MESTING ROARD OF DIRECTORS, UNIVERSITY CF KAWSsAS RU IAL, CORPCR ZT Pine Room, Memor Ory 1) mene, Saturday December 1,190. : Presents Irving Will, president Henry Werner, firet viee president Ce Ce Stewart Pe Ce Allen Richard He Alien We ds He He Lesar Karl Kloos Carter Butler O'fhene Huff Willian Parner Hermina Zipple Fred Ellewarth, Secretary Minutes of the meeting of July 6 wore rend and approvede ae eee ne Eemprncer enh. teacnted Wy Bre Allen thet Drew Velaughlin be @ "Ta te scammed oe Gass Oo death of Dre He Le Snyder, who represented the Board of Regents. * Moved by Mre Kloos and seconded by Baumgartuer that all other directors be re-elected to continue in office through the coming yeare Carriede A proposed by-laws, in greatly amended form, was presented by the seoretarye A copy of it is attached to these minutes in its final form after the following actions of the boards lire Stewart moved, seconded by Dre Allen, that in Article II, Seo. 2, provision be made that the Board may elest to fill vneaneies at any rezuler mooting, ineluding special meetings. It wa: understood that the secretary od Carried. later in the necting Professor Baumgartner moved, seconded by Mrs Werner, the adeption of an entirely new wording of this Articole II, seebion 2 as written by lire Stewart and as it appears in the final copys Carried. Moved by William Parner ani seconded by Dre Allon that the words: "ami of anending the by-laws" be added to Arte 5, Sece 40 Motion loste After several other motions concerning delegetion of powers to exeoutive committee, all of which lacked seconds, Mr. Stewart moved, seconded by Disk Allen, that in Article Vi, Seotion 1, there be inserted after the word “purpose” the following: "or by the exeoutive committee"; and ee last of the section be nade "mecbers." Not e Moved by Professor Baumgartner and seconded by Mise Huff, that the ememied by-laws be adovted as anended. Carried. ire Werner gave a finanoial report on the operation of the Union for the 1959-40 year siwwing the Union to have done a $65,000 business with inoome exceeding disbursements in both the cafeteria and the fountain a» well as some other departe uentes He also read a supplementary report on reconstruction in the Union during the gumer,-esoda fountain, three offices, some additional equipment in the music roomeeall costing $17,757¢80« Inesmuch as his report at the previous anual mecting hed been incomplete he handed members a complete report on the 1036-39 fiseal yoar aleoe Moved Rishard Allen, seconded by Carter Butler, that the report be received and filede Carrieds Mrs Stewart and others rose to express qubitiacticn ah the finb separt of operations. ire Werner then read a report from the exeoutive comittes on prospects for adding the north wing of the Unione His report is attached to these minutes : Moved by Tvs Allan and seoonded by Professor Bquugertner thet the two ommittees suggested ee ee ee ee oe ne es corte and arrangemente~-be appointede Carried OE ag UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS MEMORTAL CORPORATION BY-LAWS ARTICLE I «= Name Section 1; The name of this corporation shall be as stated in its charter, University of Kansas Memorial Corporation. ARTICLE II -= Board of Directors Section 13: The direction and management of the affairs of the University of Kansas Memorial Corporation shall be vested ina Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall be twenty-one in number e Section 2: The Board of Directors shall be composed of the original 21 named in a charter together with such others as have been elected by the board to fill vacancies. Vacancies in the present board shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining directors at any regular annual meeting, provided a director may be elected at any regularly called special meeting to fill a vacancy occurring since the last annual meetinge Each member of the board shall be elected for one year and until his successor is elected and qualifies, except a director elected to fill a vacancy shall hold office only until the next annual meetinge ARTICLE III -= Officers Section 1: The officers of this corporation shall be a spckidwwh, no less than three vice presidents, a secretary, a treasurer, and “an auditore The president and the vice presidents shall be chosen from the members of the Board of Directorse Section 2; The duties of the president shall be to preside at all meetings and to be the chief executive head of the Board of Directors. The duties of the vice presidents shall be the same as the president in the absence of the ‘dee: The duties of the secretary shall be to keep accurate and complete records of all business transacted by the Board of Directorse The duties of the treasurer shall be (he collect and pay out all funds upon the warrant of the secretary and president when duly authorized in the manner prescribed by the Board of Directors. He shall execute such bond as the Board of Directors prescribee The duties of the auditor shall be to examine carefully all claims made against the organiza= tion and make such recommendations to the committee as he deems proper for the action of such committee. ARTICLE IV -= Meeting Section ls; The annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held in the fall within three months after the open- ing of classes, the actual date to be fixed by the executive committee hereinafter provided fore Special meetings may be called by the president or the executive committee and shall be called at the request of five members of the Board of Directorse For either annual or special meet= ings the call shall be issued by the secretary not less than eer days before the meeting is to be held, such call to designate the particular business to be Lebananced at such meetinge At all meetings of the Board of Directors either annual or special, nine members thereof shall con-= stitute a quorume Section 2; At the annual meeting of the Board of Dir= ectors there shall be presented a report of operations and a financial statement of the Memorial Union Building for the past fiscal yeare ARTICLE V =- Conmittees Section ls The Board of Directors shall create all such committees as it may deem necessary in jartsine out ‘itis for which this corporation was formed and prescribe the duties of such committeese Section 2: One committee of the Board of Directors shall be the executive committee which shall have six members with the first vice president as chairman, president of the Memorial Corporation, University Bursar, director of the Memorial Union, and the two other members chosen by the Board of Directorse Section 3: One standing committee of the Board of Directors shall be the Union Operating Committee. It shall be composed of nineteen members as follows: The President of the Memorial Corporation The director of the Building ex officio - 5 University staff members chosen by the Chancellor, at least one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Directors of the Memorial Corporation 3 Alumni members chosen by the board of directors of the Alumni Association, the secretary to be one of them ex officio, and at least one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Directors of the Memorial Corporation The Student President of Union Activities Board 4 Men students chosen by M.S.C., the president of this MeS-C- to be one of these ex officio 4 Women students chosen by the W.S.G.A-, the president of W.S.GeA- to be one of these ex officio The Union Operating Committee shall have the following functions: le Supervision of student activities 2. Building welfare and development of the present building. Section 4; The executive committee of the Board of Dir- ectors shall be also the management committee of the Union Operating Committee and shall have all the powers of the Board of Directors except the power of filling vacancies. ARTICLE VI -=- Amending Section 1: These by-laws may be amended by the Board of Directors at any annual meeting or at any special meet ing called for that purpose by a 2/3 vote of the directors presente Agenda for Memorial Corporation Meeting | ie Meeting July 6 Election of Directors to fill vacancies Submission of revised constitution Report of Mr. Werner on Union Finances Expansion of Union Bldge Kansas Union Henry Werner, Chm. Oper. Com, Receipts Balance from 1938-39 Balance fron 193839 (Transfer Account) Cafeteria Cash Receipts Value of Meals to Employees Value of Meals to Bldg. Emp. Value of Meals to Fount, Em. Sale of Food to Fountain Sale of China to Fountain Fron Gen. Exp. for Ilixers, etc. Transfer Checks (K.U, Depts.) Tax Collected Fountain: Gash Receipts Value of Meals to Employees Value of Meals to Bldg. Emp. Sale of Food to Cafeteria Sales Tax Collected Recreation Rooms Cash Receipts Sales Tax Collected Mid-week Dance Receipts Hall and Office Rental Check Stand Rental $24,258.14 1,160.42 330.87 47.07 489,01 83,83 482044 465.78 12,392.01 SAT ett 41.68 1.939 24,5 636 1,940.35 208d? Refunds on Labor and Tele., liisc'l. Travel Change Returned Library Rental Memorial Corporation Pledges Kansas Bankers Ass'n, Gift Share of 1939-40 Student Activity Ticket Refund from Constant, Contractor Balance from Varsity Dances 1939 Summer Session (Transfer Acct.) Total Receipts $11,850.72 _ oe 27,379.61 13,198.17 1,975 50 4274695 1,517.16 102.00 121.98 102.00 39.697 78,00 50,00 Th 640.09 142.20 233.70 571.68 Hermina Zipple, Dir. $11,984.12 53,580.01 $65,564.13 Kansas Union (Continued) Cafeteria: Salaries and Wages: Cash Paid Out Meals to Employees Tax on Meals to Emp. Merchandise Equipment Expense Expense (Trans. Acct.) Purchases from Fount, Tax on Cash Sales Fountain: Salaries & Wages: Cash Paid Out Meals to Employees Tax on ileals to Emp. Merchandise Purchases from Cafeteria Expense China Purchases from Cafeteria 62,05 Equipment Sales Tax on Cash Receipts Recreation Room: Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Change Stolen 2-10-40 Sales Tax Remitted to State Ballroom: Salaries and Wages Expense Expense (Transfer Acct,) Mideweek Dances & Iixers: Orchestras Sales Tax remitted to State General Expense; Salaries and Wazes: Cash Paid Out lieals for Enployees Tax on Meals to Emp. Disbursenents 96,022.21 1,160.42 2321 9 7,205.84 13,190.79 172.28 29238095 _ See 2,684.17 1.35 465276 as 502.04 564.84 11.30 4,078.18 5,660.48 489.01 6,149.49 836.13 898.18 150.39 2b ohO 1,093.25 155.33 5.00 38.81 54850 77.00 co |. Bee 750.00 oe 2,898.60 372.55 TAd 3,278.59 $23,720.19 11,520.64 1,292 039 630,50 758 055 - Kansas Union (Continued) Expense: Ins. Prem, 3 yrs. 612,34 Convention Exp, 150,00 Meals for Committees & IMixers 83,83 Reps., Mag.Sub., & Supplies 1689.56 Repairs (Trans.Acct,) 206.92 Handling charge 250.00 2,992.67 6,271.26 Furniture and Equipment (General): Music Room Furn, A99 45 Office Furn, 7215 Chairs for Ban juets 271.46 Sweeper 66.40 909.46 Building Improvenent: Kansas Room and Dir, Office 4,313.57 Kansas Room and Dir. Office (Trans. Acct.) 457.81 4,771.38 Change Checled Out (less Amt. Stolen) 102.00 4,873.38 Total Disbursements $49,976.37 Balance to 1940-41: Trans, Acct. 64.97 Student Org. 15,522.79 $15,587.76 This report of the Kansas Union includes purchases for June, 1939, but does not include vurchases for June, 1940. It is a combined report of the account with the Student Organizations Fund and the one carried on the books of the University of Kansas. There are two balances brought forward for the preceding year and two carried forward to the new fiscal year, The following items were reported by Miss Zipple, Director, as of June 30, 1940: Cafeteria. Inventory & 446.85 Accounts Payable: Fountain Inventory 227.84 Cafeteria: Accts, Reteivable: Purchases 1,868.27 Cafeteria (Inc. 7,50 Expense 24977 2,118.04 Sales Tax) 1,362.84 Fountain: Ball Room Rental 89.50 Purchases 338.19 Check Stand Rental 16,00 Expense 3652 bliss Ti Recreation Room (Exp.) 0.90 Ballroom $00 General Expense 116.75 Condensed Statenent of Cafeteria and Fountain Receipts and Expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940 CAFETERIA: Cash Receipts 1939-40 (Sales Tax Included) $27 , 379.61 Accts. Rec. June 30, 1940 1,362.84 Less Accts. Rec. June 30, 1939 Collected 1939-1940 Gross Income for 1939-1940 Business Expenditures 1939-40 23,720.19 Accts. Payable June 30, 1940 2,118.04 Less Accts. Payable June 30, 1939 (Paid in 1939-1940) Gross Expenditures for 1939-40 Business Add Inventory June 30, 1939 Less Inventory June 30, 1940 Gain of Receipts over Expenditures for Fiscal Year FOUNTAIN: Cash Receipts 1939-40 (Sales Tax Included) Expenditures 1939-40 $11,520.64 Accts. Payable June 30, 1940 411.71 Less Accounts Payable June 30, 1939 (Paid in 1939-1940) Gross Expenditures 1939-40 Business Add Inventory June 30, 1939 Less Inventory June 30, 1940 Gain of Receipts over Expenditures for Fiscal Year $28,742.45 Li djee83 25 838.23 1, 354014 2h, 48h, 609 843218 25,327 027 446.85 $11,932.35 399-91. 11,769.40 227 84 $27,569.62 24,880.42 $ 2,689.20 $13 4198.17 11,541.56 $1,656.61 SUPPLEMENTARY FINANCIaL REPORT KaNSaS MEMORIAL UNION On operation of the Memorial Union Cafeteria, Dining Room, and Soda Fountain. (To be appended to a financial report presented July 6, 1940.) The financial report of the Kansas Memorial Union Building presented at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors was a copy of the report from the Student Organization Hand-~ book of 1938-1939. This is not a profit and loss statement, but merely a statement of receipts and disbursements and in the case of the two revenue-producing food units, the cafeteria and soda fountain, this report includes disbursements for June of the prévious year. Since the fiscal year begins on July lst, this is not a true pic- ture of disbursements. The Student Organizations Report also does not mention inventory of the previous year. It is therefore difficult for the person to whom this report is handed, to Calculate actual pfofit in these two revenue~ producing units unless a handbook from the previous year were available, As a matter of interest to the members of the Board of Directors of the Kansas Mesworial Corporation, this report which has been checked by Mr. Karl Klooz, Butsar, has been prepared. MEMORIAL UNION CAFETERIA 1938-1939 RECEIPTS: 7248.40 11582 .67. 2208.70 937.52 21477 29 1354.14 £2831 .43 656.31 £3487 .74 843.18 22644,56 Cash receipts Other depts. for meals Value of meals to employees Tax collected Disbursements: Salaries and wagest Cash paid out Meals to employees Merchandise , Food purchased from Caft Expense Exp. Trans. acct. Sales Tax remitted to state Accounts payable July lst Inventory July 1; 1938 Inventory July 1, 1939 GROSS PROFIT Epuipment purchases NET PROFIT 11316,.79 66.80 539.82 eeleol #5248.06 591.08 4801.20 474,20 707.98 65.92 1,499.00 89.25 1,409.75 Cash receipts 21051.80 Value of meals to employees 1739.53 Other departments for meals 445,27 Sale of food to fountain 474.20 Transfer checks (K.U. Depts.) 289.79 Tax collected 396.99 Disbursements: Salaries and Wages: Cash paid out 5408.87 Meals to employees 1739.53 Merchandise Expense 1816.20 Exp.; Trans. account 392 450 Sales Tax remitted to state accounts payable Inventory July 1, 1938 Inventory July 1, 1939 Actual disbursements 193839 GROSS PROFIT 1753.02 Equipment purchases 266.76 NET PROFIT 1486.26 SRR AR RRR RON AR RRR OK AR OR OR AK MEMORIAL UNION FOUNTAIN 1938-1939 RECEIPTS: 3839 614 5275440 773-90 247.53 399491 10535,.88 347 .00 10882188 236 496 10645192 24,397.58 22,644.56 1,486.26 12 7144-92 10 645492 1,409.75 Sk uERB REF SB wo we wo oe @ BRERRRBesees UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS MEMORIAL CORPORATIGN BY@LANS ARTICLE I <= Meme Seetion 11 The name of thie sorporntion shall be as stated in ite cherter, University of Kansas Memorial corporae- tione ARTICIB IX «= Board of Directors ‘geohion 1s The direction and mangement of the affairs of the University of Kaneas Memorial Corporation shall be _ vested in & Board of Direotorss The Board of Directors shall be twenty-one in mmbere Seotion 2: The membership of the Beard of Directors shall be maintained by election by the board itself. Begine ning with the original twentysone citizens of Kenses named in the charter together with others naned fron tine to tine te fill wioancles, elections of directors shall be held only at annual reetings.s Each mesber of the board shall be elected for one yeer and until his suscessor is elected and qunlifiese : ARTICHE TIL = Officers Seetion ls The officers of this corporation shall be | @ president, no less than three vice presidents, a seoretary, a treasurer, ani an auditore The president and the vice prese idents shall be chosen fron the wenbere of the Board of Dire eotorse Seetion 21 The duties of the president shall be to pree Gite th elk eratinns ent Wen Ub ahlet eum teed tf Board of Directors. The duties of the vice presidents shall es the cene a the peechions in ib Gheemee of the ledtine The dutios of the secretary shall be to keep sccurate and eomplete records of all business transacted ty the Board of *#e@eseee88 8 ee eet eee seuesesz =» $ & & & & & Directorse The duties of the treasurer shall be to collect end pay out all funds upon the warrant of the secretary and ‘the Board of Directors. He giall execute shoh bond as the Board of Directors prescribes The duties of the auditor shall be to examine carefully all claine made ageinet the organizae tion and make such recommendations to the committee as he deems proper for the action of such committee. ARTICLE IV «= Mooting Seotion ls The annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held in the fall within three months after the open- ing of classes, the actual date to be fixed by the executive may be galled by the president or the exoutive comelttee ami shall be ealled at the request of five members of the Soard of Directorse For either annual or special meete ings the eall shall be issued by the secretary not less than ten deys before the meeting is to be held, such eall to designate the particular business to be transacted at such meetings At all meetings of the Board of Direetors either annual or special, nine members thereof shal cone Seotion 2: At the annual meeting of the Board of Dire denen Gare Cath We qremeied 0 egwe 0 eeuietions ent 6 finanetel statexent of the Meneriel Union Building fer the past fiseal yoare ARTICLE V o= Committees Section ls The Board of Directors shall create all such. committees as it may deem necesasry in carrying out business for which this corporation was formed and creseribe the duties of sush committees. & £$& &8 88 3 s2aetseasssegese &@eesese sees 8 & & | Section 21 One committee of the Board of Directors shall be the executive committee which shall have six members with the firet vice president as chairman, president of the Memorial Corporation, University Bursar, direstor of the Memorial Union, and the two other members ehosen by the Board of Directore. Seotion Ss One standing committees of the Board of Directore ‘@hall be the Union Operating Comittee. It shall be composed of nineteen members as follows: The President of the Memorial Corporation The director of the Building ex officio § Wniversity staff merbers chosen by the Chaneellor, at least one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Directors of the Memorial Corporation 3 Alumni members chosen by the beard of directors of the Alumni Acsociation, the seeretary to be one of them ex officio, and at least one of whom shall be a member of the foard of Direetors of the Memorial Gerporation fe The Student President of Union Activities Board 4 Wen students chosen by MeSeCe, the president of this MefieCe to be one of these ex officio 4 Women students chosen by the WeSeGeAs, the president Of WeleGeAe to be one of these ex officio The Union Operating Committee shall have the following functions: le Supervision of student activities 2e Building welfare and development of the present buildinge Seotion 4; The exeoutive committees of the Board of Dire eotors chall be also the nanagenenty of the Union Operating Committee and ehall have all the powers of the Board of / Directors exeept the power of filling yeanciesqefo4 ARTICIE VI «= Anending Section 1s These by-laws may be mended by the Board of Directors at any annual meeting or at any special mecte ing called for that purpose by a 2/8 vote of the directors Very sinoerely yours, POAgAH Varsity Basketball Coachs | President » OSCAR S. STAUFFER, fs‘12 Arkansas City Directors wa LITTLE REITZ, ‘32 ia wi N. Kansas City, Mo. WALTER G. THIELE, I’10 Supreme Court Topeka BRUCE HURD, I’14 Santa Fe Offices General Secretary and Editor Graduate Magazine FRED ELLSWORTH, ‘22 Lawrence : The University of Kansas Alumni Association HEADQUARTERS - ROOM 2 - FRANK STRONG HALL Vice-President HARLAND B. HUTCHINGS, 1’16 1207 Grand Avenue Kansas City, Mo. Directors DOLPH SIMONS, ‘25 Lawrence JOANNA GLEED WAGSTAFF, fa‘21 Lawrence CLARENCE L. BURT, e’09 Hutchinson BALFOUR S. JEFFREY, ‘28 Topeka ; ig f Bidg. 5 OHN E. BOYER, 28, 30 o— of Topeka Bidg uilding Ee W. T. GRANT, fs‘05 es Lawren ce - Kans as Business Men’s Assurance Co. FRANK L. CARSON, ‘13 Kansas City, Mo. First Nationa! Bank Wichita July 11, 1940 Dre Fe Ce Allen 105 Robinson Campus Dear Phog:s Enclosed are minutes of the meeting of the Memorial Corpor- ation held July 6. Will you please look over these carefully and advise if there are any changes that should be made before we put them in the of- ficial minute book. Since you attended the meeting I assume that you have a copy of Mr. Werner's report and of the Memorial Corporation by-laws. If you do not have these and want them I shall be glad to furnish them to yous We appreciated immensely your attendance at the meeting Saturday and hope that you enjoyed ite The prospect of working toward the north unit of the Union seems to me worth early consid- eration. If we could get just the shell put up I am convinced that classes and other organizations as well as yearly income from fees would begin finishing rooms one after another in a most in- teresting waye > an Hl orétary FE /nw l ence Active Membership, with Graduate Magazine Subscription, $3 Annually. Life Membership, $60 Single Payment or 10 Installments of $7.50. O'Thene Huff, president ws GC A inka ls Se iat Sa Wii teal Seen tenth a te of the board by mail they were ordered approved by the chairman, Mre Hille The seore~ tery reviewed eetions of the April, 1939, meeting, for the benefit of menbers who had forgotten details of that nectings lire Werner read a report of operations of the Union for 1939=40 which showed « total of 116,200 persons having used the lounges during the year, 59,350 in scheduled eating: Bila, Gintien teak the Lik, aad Lt MOD having been Gareek feed, glue 26,200 in special parties, teas, lumcheons and banquete. le told of completion of the Kansas room and musio room, of other netivities carried one He showed that students had earned $5054082 working in the Unione Balance on hand July 3, 1940, was $14,001074. Copy of his report is attached to these minutess Moved by lire Kloog and seconded by D+ ALlen that lire Verner"e report be resetved and ordered filed. Carrieds el ie hc ines a eieeatias tae tis Santas: adh Om Senie ead tos Cees mo on for changing the annual meeting date to a time in the fall within three | natthe after the opening of school, ant thet the Wyelam bo aoned to provide for tis unanimous ly+ revised achedule. Carried ; Ce He Mullen hac been asked by the secretary to report suggested nominations for directors and officerse Me lhillen sugested the following names for directorss irving Hill, President Pe Ge Allen —— & e We Js Baumgartner Be Be Black Me Le Breidenthal Certer Butler, Chairman Activities Board Thornton Cooke Acting’ Cromb Millian Permor, Press lente stulent Counot] ST SR RR AEE PY PTE aT RANT CS AE SO RRR BAR HESSEN NSE TNE ORES A Ne NT iste ger anepacvepatssea nti PE EE EE AS Karl Elooz, Bursar He Ee Lesa Chancellor Deane W« Malott | Elizabeth Meguiar, Women's Adviser Dre He Le Snyder, Board of Regents Ce Ce Stewart Rether Twente — Hemy Werner, Men's Adviser Moved by Mrs Kloas, end seconied by Dre Allen, that the report be approved end EE ee eee Carriede President a. Vice Prone Henry Werner Me Le Breidenthal Secretary Fred Elleworth Treasurer Karl Kloos Auditor. Fe We Hosford ee ee eee Ree Wy Re lens Sak Mele rapeet te excepted ond the officers included in it be declared elected. Carried. For the executive committee, which is alse to be the excoutive somittee for the Union Operating Comittee, lire Millen hed the fellewing recomendations Chairman President of the Memorial Corporation, Irving Hill Viee chairman en's Student Adviser, Henry Werner Adviser of Women, Miss Elizabeth Meguier University Bursar, Karl Klooz Director of Memorial Union, ex officio, Miss Mermine Zipple University staff menber from the Board of Directors of Memorial Corporation, Profs He He Lesar Moved by liv. Klooz, seconded by Drs Allen, that this reeommendation be accepted, and that the exseutive committee here naued be chosens Carriede ls Werner then told informally of the action of the executive committee during she yest yeew in meleins © Sentenst with She Unhveratty Olds, o sveial organisation of feeulty merbers and townspeople, to furnish that organization with a room on the cafe- teria floor for its club room et a rental of $1250 a year on a two-year lease. The board mexbers informally approved the action heartily. Mre Werner also toli of plans going forward to enlarge the soda fountain in the sub-basement and rearrange the en- Sire sub-basenent floor and make its divisions permanent. Discussion of plans looking shead toward erection of enother unit of the Union to be built on the north of the present structure brought forth the thought that definite plang should be drawn up in order to be ready for possible gifts toward that ende Moved by Hise “uff, seconded by Mre Werner, that the excoutive comittee be ine strusted to consider the matter both of expansion of the Board of Directors, in order to get more persons acquainted and interested in the Union, and also the physical expansion of the buildings Carrieds | Adjournment for lameheon in the English roome Si gt a es a at i Na a EE A Ni a i THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Alumni Association Headquarters: Room 2, Frank Strong Hall LAWRENCE, KANSAS June 25, 1940 Dre Fe Ce Allen 105 Robinson Campus Dear Phog: A meeting of the Board of Directors of the University of Kansas Memorial Corporation will be held Saturday, July 6, at 11:00 o'clock in the Pine Room of the Memorial Union Build- inge The order of business will be election of officers, elec- tion of board members, and presentation of the secretary's re- port. The Board members are invited to be guests of the Memorial Union building for luncheon at 12:00. We are enclos- ing a stamped self-addressed envejope for your convenience in replying. Will you please signify if you can attend this meetinge Very sincerely yours, fad Uhsweirey Secretary, University of Kansas Memorial Corporation FE /mr Active membership, With Graduate Magazine Subscription $3 Annually ° Life Membership, $60 or Ten Instalments of $7.50 Each Agenda of Meeting of Directors, University of Kansas ==. Memorial Corporation July 6, 190 1. Minutes of meeting of April 22, 1939 2. Report of Memorial Union by Professor Henry Werner 3. Unfinished business le New business Be Election Nominees for directors: Irving Hill, President Fe Ce Allen Richard F, All&m We. Je Baumgartner Ee Be Black ‘s M. Le Breidenthal ee Carter Butler, Chairmam Activities Board — pe Thornton Cooke al Arthur Cromb William Farmer, Pres. Men's Student Council Porter Fones O'Thene Huff, Pres. Women's Student Governing Association *, “.BabfouryS. Jeffrey ‘orl Karl Klooz, Bursar He He Lesar Deane W. Malott, Chancellor Blizabeth Meguiar, Women's Adviser Dr. He Le Snyder, Board of Regents Ce. Ce Stewart Esther Twente Henry Werner, Men's Adviser Nominees for officers: President, Irving Hill Vice Prese, Henry Werner M. Le Breidenthal 7G ‘ Balfour 8. Jeffrey Secretary . Fred Ellsworth Treasurer Karl Klooz Auditor Fe W. Hosford i Nominees for executive committee: ; Chairman President of the Memorial Corporation, Irving Hill ‘ Vice Chairman Men's Student Adviser, Henry Werner Adviser of Women, Miss Elizabeth Meguiar University Bursar, Karl Klooz Director of Memorial Union, ex officio, Miss Hermina Zipple University staff member from the Board of Directors of Memorial Corporation, Prof. H. H. Lesar : Soin al aie 8S a, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS MEMORIAL CORPORATION = BY=LAS ARTICLE I Sec. 1. The officers of this corporation shall be a President, not less than three vice presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Auditor. The President and the Vice Presidents shall be chosen from the members of the Board of Directors. Sece 2. The duties of the President shall be to preside at all meetings and to be the chief executive head of the Board of Directors. The duties of the Vice Presidents shall be the same as the President in the absence of the latter. The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep accurate and correct records of all business transacted by the Board of Directors, The dvties of the Treasurer shall be to collect all funds and pay ovt the same upon the warrant of the Secretary and President when duly authorized in the manner prescribed by the Board of Directorse He shall execute such bond as the Board of Directors shall prescribe. The duties of the Auditor shall be to carefully examine all claims made against the corporation, and make such recormendations to the executive committee as he deems vroper for the action of such committee. Sece 3» Any vacancies occurring ix the Board of Directors shall be filled by such Board, ARTICLE II Sec, 1, The annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held in June of each year. The date to be fixed by the “xecutive Cormittee hereinafter pro- vided for, and special meetings may be called by the President or the Executive Committee and shall be called at the request of five members of the Board, the call to be issued by the Secretary upon not less than ten days! notice there- of, such call to designate the particular business to be trensacted at such meeting. At all meetings of the Board of Directors, either annual or special, nine members thereof shell constitute a quorum. Secs 2. At the armual June meeting of the Board of Directors there shall be presented a report of operations and a financial statement of the Memorial Union Building for the past yeare ARTICLE III The Board of Directors shall appoint all such committees as it may deem necessary and wise in carrying out of the business for which this corporation is created, and prescribe the duties of such committees. ARTICLE IV These By-Laws may be amended by the Board of Directors at any annual meeting, or at any special meeting called for that purposes KANSAS MEMORIAL UNION Report for the year ending June 30, 190 A survey of the Kansas Memorial Union for the year 1939-0 shows a highly gratifying condition from the standpoints of physical and financial cone ditions and of the use of the building by students, faculty, alumi and other groups. For the sake of brevity and emphasis all of this may be summarized, in part statistically, under the appropriate subheadings. Numbers of persons using the building: 1938-39 1939-l0 Lounges (for reading, resting, studying, etc.) 75,000 116,200 Scheduled meetings, forums, dances, etc. 58,700 59,350 Total persons served in food units 196,572 210,870 Total additional persons served at special parties teas, luncheons and banquets 25,450 26,280 Average number of persons using recreation room per day 80-100 Average number of persons using the music room, per day ho Average number of students served in cafeteria per day 3501,00 Completion of rooms in the buildings During the past year two new rooms have been added to the building on the third floor. The Kansas room was finished at a total cost of «4816.55. This room is in a conservative modern style illuminated entirely by concealed fluorescent lighting and was designed by Wr, Edward Tanner of Kansas City. The popularity of the room has been attested by the fact that it has been booked up for almost every available night by student grovps during the past year. The tentative bookings for the coming year indicate that it will be impossible to satisfy the total demands made upon it. The uses of the room are multifarious including parties, dinner dances, lectures and banquets. The other roor comoleted is the music room which houses the Carnegie Endowment gift phonograph of a value of 1500 dollars. With this gift is in- cluded 600 classicel records. To these, accessions are made from month to ronth. The room is under the supervision of an NYA student librarian and it is open daily in the afternoons and evenings. Persons using the room nay have any record played on request. From time to time special request programs, whole svmphonies, operas, concertos, etc., are played. The room was completed and furnished ‘vith lounge chairs at a cost of $849.02. In addition to the above a much needed Director's office was completed on the Cafeteria floor at a cost of $321.72. Library and agazine services. A library and magazine service has been maintained on the lounge floor under the supervision of the hostess. Fourteen magazines and four newspapers are available. The rental book service covers a wide and catholic taste in new and well chosen fiction and non-fiction. These services are a popular and sidely used feature of the lounge floor, Student Activities. A wholly student-managed board selected from the student body by the Union Operating Committee is in complete charge of this part of the Union operation. During the past year they have managed under the presideney of Mr. Leo Johnstone the organization of the following activities. The Jayhawk Nibble for freshman students The Mid-week Varsities. The Christmas Open House. Union intramurals including bridge, table tennis, checkers and pool. The music room with Professor Karl Kuersteiner as adviser. The Monthly KUnion, a publication devoted to union news and publicity. Amounts earned by student employees. It is interesting to note the total amounts earned by student employees during the past year as show by the following table: Value in meals Cash Total Cafeteria %827.32 $1272.51 $2099.33 Fountain 113.60 220h,. 2k: 2317.74 Recreation room 897436 897.36 Ball room 141.04 141,0h, General and lounge 351.41 30.9 381.90 iiusic room 16.95 16.95 Total earned $585.62 Financial Report The financial report for the year 1939-0 is not available at this time because of the proximity of the date of this meeting to that of the close of the fiscal vear which is June 30th, The following figures indicate, however, the amount of unencumbered balance on hand at this time: Balance June 29, 190 $16,713.23, &ccounts receivable 1 ds7 hid : 18,162.75 Accounts Payable h,161.01 Balance July 3, 1940 $1,001.74 Financial Report for 1938-39 Receipts Balance from 1947-36 (Student OFFaNT EET ons) Balance from 1937-38 (Transfer Account) Cafeteria; Cash Receipts Value of Meals to Employees Other Depts. for ieals Sale of Food to Fountain Transfer Checks (K.U.Depts.) Tax Collected Fountain; Cash Receipts Other Depts. for Meals Value of Meals to Employees Tax Collected Recreation Room: Cash Receipts Tax Collected Mid-Week Dances: $20,911.82 1, 739053 1h5 627 L7h,.20 289.79 396.99 11,316.79 66,80 539.82 eeleds 2,152.97 Cash Receipts 1.83.86 Tax Collected 9.68 Hall and Office Rental Check Stand Library Rental Class of 1936 Memorial Gift Class of 1939 } emorial Gift Class of 1927 Memorial Gift Class of 1944 Memorial Gift Share of Activity Ticket Varsity Dances Misce: Refunds, etc. Change Returned 1938 S. S. Receipts (Transfer Acct.) Total Receipts Disbursements Cafeteria: Salaries & ‘“/Jages: Cash Paid Out 451:08.87 Meals to Employees 1739253 $7118.10 Merchandise 11,868,68 Equipment 286.60 Expense: 1816.20 ®x0.: Transfer Acct. 392.50 2208,70 Sales Tax Remitted to State 537252 Fountain Salaries & “lages: Cash Paid Out 32h8.06 Meals to Employees 591.08 3839.3 l.erchandise of Food Purch. from Cafe 17.20 5699.61 Equipment ee 89.25 Expense 707698 Expe: Transfer Acct. 65.92 773290 Sales tax remitted to State 27.653 $9,3iL.13 10. 39 32h, 257.60 12, 1h4.92 2,502.01 li93 e 5h 1 ’ 35h. 00 20.80 33 296 1,450.00 1,800.90 125.00 20.00 7,714.79 13,28 86.16 530200 $2509.90 106,943 $9,454.82 53 5476698 $62,931.80 Recreation Rooms: Labor $1120.hh Expense 119.07 Equipment 15.00 Sales tax remitted to state 19.28 Ball Room: Lene 505.66 xpen sé & . Exp.e: Transfer Accte oe 15.15 Mid-Week Dances: is ceaeinaae se Orchestra (Including Free | ixer) 765.00 Sales tax remitted to State 9.68 General Expense: Salaries and “lages; Cash Paid Out 2322.9 “Neals for Employees 312.41 Sales tax on Meals 7207 2611 «97 hxpens e: asus eget Rep.,Tele.,i ag. Sube, Supe $2071.79 lreals for Committee end Parties 148.10 Transfer Acct. . 33h. 86 32555405 Handling Charge 250.00 Withdrawals for Change Furniture and Equip ment Building Improvement-English Room, ete. Total Disbursements Balances to 1939-0: Student Org. Fund Transfer Account 1303 «79 659.81 774068 5447602 96.00 2280.32 1686.73 $5097 68 $11850.72 133 940 $11984,12 ‘This report of the Kansas Union includes purchases for June, 1938, It is a combined report of the account with the Student Organizations Fund and the one carried on the books of the University of Kansas. There are two balances brought forward from the preceding year and two carried forward to the new Fiscal yeare but does not include purchases for June 1939. The following items were reported by Miss Hermina Zipple, Dir., as of June 30, 1939: Accounts Receivable - Cafeteria Inventory Cafeteria Fountain Accounts Payable ~- Careteria Fountain Gen. Exp. Bldge Equipment $1172.83 6143.18 236.96 #135. 1h 399.91 81.72 66,1:0 '1902.17 Summary It nay be condluded from this report, read in the light of the attached financial statement, that the !‘emorial Union is practicelly self-supporting in its operation, That is to say the fees fron the student activity ticket amount- ing to approximately ‘7000 or more per annum, are available for completing the interior of the building and maintaining it. ‘then the building is finally finished internally it is anticipated that the amount contributed by fees will be used in a more strenuous maintanance program and in expanding services which it is customary for Union buildings to offer but which the Kansas Union does not offer. It is also reasonable to anticipate that a certain amount of the fee money will be set aside for the future development and external expansion of the building.