Directorse The duties of the treasurer shall be (he collect and pay out all funds upon the warrant of the secretary and president when duly authorized in the manner prescribed by the Board of Directors. He shall execute such bond as the Board of Directors prescribee The duties of the auditor shall be to examine carefully all claims made against the organiza= tion and make such recommendations to the committee as he deems proper for the action of such committee. ARTICLE IV -= Meeting Section ls; The annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held in the fall within three months after the open- ing of classes, the actual date to be fixed by the executive committee hereinafter provided fore Special meetings may be called by the president or the executive committee and shall be called at the request of five members of the Board of Directorse For either annual or special meet= ings the call shall be issued by the secretary not less than eer days before the meeting is to be held, such call to designate the particular business to be Lebananced at such meetinge At all meetings of the Board of Directors either annual or special, nine members thereof shall con-= stitute a quorume Section 2; At the annual meeting of the Board of Dir= ectors there shall be presented a report of operations and a financial statement of the Memorial Union Building for the past fiscal yeare ARTICLE V =- Conmittees Section ls The Board of Directors shall create all such committees as it may deem necessary in jartsine out ‘itis for which this corporation was formed and prescribe the duties of such committeese