Section 2: One committee of the Board of Directors shall be the executive committee which shall have six members with the first vice president as chairman, president of the Memorial Corporation, University Bursar, director of the Memorial Union, and the two other members chosen by the Board of Directorse Section 3: One standing committee of the Board of Directors shall be the Union Operating Committee. It shall be composed of nineteen members as follows: The President of the Memorial Corporation The director of the Building ex officio - 5 University staff members chosen by the Chancellor, at least one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Directors of the Memorial Corporation 3 Alumni members chosen by the board of directors of the Alumni Association, the secretary to be one of them ex officio, and at least one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Directors of the Memorial Corporation The Student President of Union Activities Board 4 Men students chosen by M.S.C., the president of this MeS-C- to be one of these ex officio 4 Women students chosen by the W.S.G.A-, the president of W.S.GeA- to be one of these ex officio The Union Operating Committee shall have the following functions: le Supervision of student activities 2. Building welfare and development of the present building. Section 4; The executive committee of the Board of Dir- ectors shall be also the management committee of the Union Operating Committee and shall have all the powers of the Board of Directors except the power of filling vacancies. ARTICLE VI -=- Amending Section 1: These by-laws may be amended by the Board of Directors at any annual meeting or at any special meet ing called for that purpose by a 2/3 vote of the directors presente