O'Thene Huff, president ws GC A inka ls Se iat Sa Wii teal Seen tenth a te of the board by mail they were ordered approved by the chairman, Mre Hille The seore~ tery reviewed eetions of the April, 1939, meeting, for the benefit of menbers who had forgotten details of that nectings lire Werner read a report of operations of the Union for 1939=40 which showed « total of 116,200 persons having used the lounges during the year, 59,350 in scheduled eating: Bila, Gintien teak the Lik, aad Lt MOD having been Gareek feed, glue 26,200 in special parties, teas, lumcheons and banquete. le told of completion of the Kansas room and musio room, of other netivities carried one He showed that students had earned $5054082 working in the Unione Balance on hand July 3, 1940, was $14,001074. Copy of his report is attached to these minutess Moved by lire Kloog and seconded by D+ ALlen that lire Verner"e report be resetved and ordered filed. Carrieds el ie hc ines a eieeatias tae tis Santas: adh Om Senie ead tos Cees mo on for changing the annual meeting date to a time in the fall within three | natthe after the opening of school, ant thet the Wyelam bo aoned to provide for tis unanimous ly+ revised achedule. Carried ; Ce He Mullen hac been asked by the secretary to report suggested nominations for directors and officerse Me lhillen sugested the following names for directorss irving Hill, President Pe Ge Allen —— & e We Js Baumgartner Be Be Black Me Le Breidenthal Certer Butler, Chairman Activities Board Thornton Cooke Acting’ Cromb Millian Permor, Press lente stulent Counot] ST SR RR AEE PY PTE aT RANT CS AE SO RRR BAR HESSEN NSE TNE ORES A Ne NT iste ger anepacvepatssea nti