MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION OF WORLD WAR II Room 226 Strong Hall | December 16, 1945 2:00 p.m. Presents Hugo I. Wedell Charles 8. Shaeffer Charles B. Holmes Fred Ellsworth It was agreed that the secretary, still holding all checks sent in for the memorial, should transmit to the treasurer such checks with a letter of trans- mittal carrying receipt number sent to the contributor, his name, and amount of check, such letter of transmittal to be signed by the treasurer as a receipt to the secretary. ' Moved by Mre Holmes, seconded by Justice Wedell that The Lawrence National Bank and the First National Bank of Lawrence be —— as depenkteniac for the memorial association of World War II. Moved by Mr. Holmes and seconded by Mre Wedell that disbursements by the Memorial Association be done by vouchers to be signed by the president and seGretary. Carried. It was agreed that Wr. Holmes should make arrangements for some teacher of accounting to supervise the setting up of a bookkeeping system. Moved by Mr. Shaeffer and seconded by Mr. Ellsworth that the amount of bond .for the treasury be $1,000. Carried. Discussion followed as to the employment of an office secretary to begin esti 2” work in organizing and publicizing. Mrs Shaeffer being uneble to make decision as to whether he could accept chairmenship of the "finance" or “campaign” committee for several weeks, it was agreed that at the outset the executive committee as a whole should manage the campaign with the secretary as the representative of the committee, and that a young man of training and ability in the work of organization and promotion should be employed at once to manage the Association's office under general direction of the executive committee. Two men had been called for interviews. The first was Richard F. Treece of Lawrence and W. Orman Wanemakere In view of Mr. Wanamaker's wider experience, the committee favored his employment with final decision being delayed until he could talk with Chancellor Malott. Justice Wedell advised him that the maximum salary which he could be paid would be $3,500 a year. The secretary was advised by the committee that the employment of a young lady whe would be able to do bookkeeping, stenographic work, filing, and the like was approved immediately. . Moved by Mr. Shaeffer and seconded by Mrs Holmes that the president appoint : a general publicity committee. Mr. Shaeffer promised to spend- approximately one tay a week helping and during the first week to be on hand two days, possibly to do some long distance telephoning and the like to ask persons about sending in their contributions. Adjournment, | non Lag Len ecretary