Sy -HUGO T. WEDELL, ‘15, 1'20 President Supreme Court, Topeka CARL V. RICE, 1/18 FRED ELLSWORTH, ‘22 C. B. HOLMES, e’15 Vice President Secretary Treasurer Huron Bldg., K.C., Kans. K.U. Alumni Office, Lawrence 7 E. 7th, Lawrence KEN POSTLETHWAITE, Organization Director University of Kansas Memorial Association TRUSTEES Donald K. Alderson, President Class of ‘45 Forrest C. Allen, : Chairman Dept. Physical Education L. J. Bond, ElDorado Attorney Keith Bunnel, President Class of ’46 Mary Jo Cox Past President Student Council Allen Crafton, Chairman Dept. Speech & Drama Fred Ellsworth, Sec’‘y Alumni Association Albert E. Haas, President Kansas City Alumni Elizabeth Stephens Haughey, Member Board of Regents Justin D. Hill, : Lawrence Business Executive Charles B. Holmes, Past President Alumni Ass‘n Deane W. Malott, Chancellor Bertha Luckan McCoy, Alumni Board Member J. W. Murray, Managing Editor Lawrence Journal-World J.C. Nichols, City Builder of Kansas City E. C. Quigley, Athletic Director Carl V. Rice, K. C., Kans., Attorney Roy A. Roberts, Managing Editor K.C. Star Charles B. Shaeffer, Alumni President Persis Snook Past President Student Council John G. Somers, Newton Attorney C. C. Stewart, President K. U. Endowment Ass’n Edward W. Tanner, Kansas City Architect R. B. Stevens, Past President Alumni Ass‘n. Oscar S. Stauffer Past President Alumni Ass‘n. Chairman Board Regents EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Hugo T. Wedell Carl V. Rice Fred Ellsworth C. B. Holmes Charles B. Shaeffer John G. Somers Edward W. Tanner of World War II Lawrence, Kansas June 22, 1946 To Members of the Memorial Trustees Absent From the Board Meeting June 16: We are all sorry you could not be present at the meeting last Sunday. Here are minutes of the meeting for your informatione Cordially yours, ecretary FE :mvn Enel