MEETING OF THE TRUSTEES UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION OF WORLD WAR II June 16, 1946 1:45 p.m. PINE ROOM MEMORIAL UNION Present: Hugo 7. Wedell, president Carl V. Rice, vice president Charles B. Holmes, treasurer Charles B,. Shaeffer Allen Crafton J. We Murray C. C. Stewart Bertha McCoy Persis Snook Richard B. Stevens Fred Ellsworth, secretary Ken Postlethwaite, organization director Madeline Nachtmann Hurd, alumni director, guest Roy S. Pierson, alumni director, guest Alfred G. Hill, former olumni secretary, guest Minutes of the meeting of December 16, 1945, were approved without de- tailed reading. The secretary submitted a report to the board, which is attached to these minutes. Mr. Stewart, president of the Endowment Association, announced the offer of stone for the campanile from land recently purchased ty the Endowment Associations If the supply on that land proved unsatisfactory for any reason, he offered stone from his own farm. His offer was gratefully received ty the board. Mr. Postlethwaite presented « report on the progress of the campaign. Written copies were presented to all members present and were to be sent to all ab- sent members, and to be carried in the secretary's official file for the board of trustecs. The chair called on Mr. Hill for comments. He expressed, first, enthusi- astic approval of the project, and commendation on the carrying on of the campaign to dates He felt that no fatal mistakes had been madew. It was his feeling that large individual gifts should be obtained, and campaigns and localities where large amounts can be collected should receive special attention. His opinion was that it would continue to cost money to get the job carried through, probably more than is outlined in the proposed budget. Mr. Crafton expressed need for dramatization of the memorials He thinks it is difficult for alumni to visualize the memorial properly. He recommended a model of the hill showing the campenile and the driveway to be shown at alumni meetings. Mr, Stewart recommended recordings of carillon music for use in the campaign. : Mr. Rice stressed the importance of field men. Both he and Mr. Shaeffer had suggestions of individuals who might be obtained ond of firms who might loan men for the campaign. Mre Pierson said the many other campaigns were messing up the memorial campaigns Be CE AR ant a LS AOL SK Ca AER NIAP