June 15, 1946 Justice Hugo Wedell and Memorial Trustees: I would like to present a report of progress on the Memorial Campaign: We have obtained something over $50,000 in the first nine months of activitye We have set up local organizations in many counties and citiese Ken Postle- thwaite will give you the details on that. We have spent $10,387 getting all this under waye Some terrible sins of omission and commission have been committed not a one of which will we admit for a minute as our fault. Here are some: The campaign has been without benefit of big gifts obtained and an- nounced in advance, except in a few localities. We have not had adequate art work and promotional literatures We have not had enough people officially connected with the campaigns The campaign was not started promptly enough after the memorial was adopted, especially on the campuse Here are some obstacles to overcome and circumvent, over which this board of trustees has no controle The condition of affairs generally is disturbing and distracting. To carry on a campaign for anything, particularly something centered at a dis= tant.point,; is like holding 4 picnic in. a thundog-torms There is a great multiplicity of other campaigns in competitions As in the case of any memorial, our particular choice is not unanimouse Furthermore, the campanile and driveway does not have the help of any special interest such as the sports enthusiasts, the journalists, and the like. It does not have the motivation that is sometimes built around oa single person- ality. Here are some of our suggested remedies and means of getting the job done: (1) Create a finance committee which shall mect and give special attention to campaign techniques. (2) Make an effort to streamline central office expense and set up, if possible, o close policy on expenditures which shall work in addition to the budget now in usée (3) Set up a committee on publicity which shall give undivided attention to that field. (4) Disobuse our minds of the idea that the campaign can be carried through in a few months. People seem to want consid- able time to let the idea soak into their consciousness, and we find that it is soaking ine