_ HUGO T. WEDELL, ‘15, 1’20 * President — : Supreme Court, Topeka FRED ELLSWORTH, ‘22 C. B. HOLMES, e’15 Secretary Treasurer K.U. Alumni Office, Lawrence 7 E. 7th, Lawrence CARL V. RICE, 118 Vice President Huron Bidg., K.C., Kans. KEN POSTLETHWAITE, Organization Director University of Kansas Memorial Association TRUSTEES Donald K. Alderson, President Class of ‘45 Forrest C. Allen, Chairman Dept. Physical Education L. J. Bond, ElDorado Attorney Keith Bunnel, President Class of ‘46 Mary Jo Cox Past President Student Council Allen Crafton, Chairman Dept. Speech & Drama Fred Ellsworth Sec’‘y Alumni Association Albert E. Haas, President Kansas City Alumni Elizabeth Stephens Haughey, Member Board of Regents Justin D. Hill, : Lawrence Business Executive Charles B. Holmes, Past President Alumni Ass‘n Deane W. Malott, Chancellor Bertha Luckan McCoy, Alumni Board Member J. W. Murray, Managing Editor Lawrence Journal-World J.C. Nichols, City Builder of Kansas City E. C. Quigley, Athletic Director Carl V. Rice, K. C., Kans., Attorney Roy A. Roberts, Managing Editor K.C. Star Charles B. Shaeffer, Alumni President Persis Snook e Past President Student Council John G. Somers, Newton Attorney C. C. Stewart, President K. U. Endowment Ass’n Edward W. Tanner, Kansas City Architect R. B. Stevens, Past President Alumni Ass‘n. Oscar S. Stauffer Past President Alumni Ass‘n. Chairman Board Regents EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Hugo T. Wedell Carl V. Rice Fred Ellsworth C. B. Holmes Charles B. Shaeffer John G. Somers Edward W. Tanner of World War II Junc 8, 1946 Lawrence, Kansas Dear K,aU, Friend: This is a special request to you personally in connection with the campaign for our World War II memorial, the great carillon tower and memorial parkway. We have now passed $50,000 in gifts as a sub- stantial starter on our goal of $500,000. Some contributions which have been collected by local committees have not yet been reported. We know of individuals who definitely plan to make their contributions, but have not done it yet. Just one week is left before Commencement. We are hoping sincerely that we can announce at the annual meet- ing, Monday, June 17, that the fund has reached $100,000. Will you help us? If you have charge of a local campaign will you please send every donation, pledge and promise to us so we may have it by Friday, June 14. We are not asking you to re-ar- range your local campaign plans nor to break up any sequence that you have in mind if you are scheduled for summer or fall. Regardless of the situation there must be some few in your locality (even just your own contribution will help) which may be sent in. If you are not connected with any local memorial campaign we hope you will send in your own contribution, if you haven't sent it already. To get the job done it will re- quire 500 gifts at $1,000.00 each or 1000 gifts at $ 500.00 each or 5000 gifts at $ 100.00 each or --so on down the line, the smaller the average, the greater number of donations nec- essary. Our loyal supporters who can do so must keep up the AVCTAZC. We'll be thanking you for your good help on this Commencement round-up. Cordially, FE smvn