ate 8 MINUTES BOARD OF DIRECTORS UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS MEMORIAL CORPORAT LON May 2a 19h6 LO: LS AelMe Pine Room Memorial Union Present; Irving Hill, President Forrest Ce Allen We Je Baumgartner Alberta Ccrnwell Howard Engleman Ogden Jones Karl Klooz Ce Ce Stewart Henry Werner Joan Woodward, 196-7 Student Union Activities President Hermina Zipple, Director of the Union Martha Peterson, Pan-Hellenic Advisor and Director of Union Operating Committee Fred Ellsworth Minutes of the meeting of June 23, 1945, were read and approved with the understanding that amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws voted at that meeting subject to review by Council were satisfactory to Mr. Stewart. Mr. Stewart, not being sure whether he had studied the amended constitution and by-laws, agreed to submit any suggestions he had for changes at the next meet- ing of the Boards Moved by Mr. Baumgartner and seconded by Mr. Jones that the present Board be re-elected and that the three members who serve ex-officio, as pro-= vided by Article I Section II of the constitution and by-laws--the president and secretary of the All Student Council and president of the Student Union Activities Board=-replace their predecessors. These officials are Howard Engle- man, Student Council president, the secretary of the Council to be chosen by that body May 28, and Joan Woodward, president of the Student Union Activities Board. Carried. Mr. Engleman had already taken office. The Council Secretary and stu- dent Union Activities president wore to take office soon. Moved by Miss Cornwell and seconded by Dre Allen that Miss Martha Peterson be elected 2 membcr of the Board of Directors to replace Mrse Fred Harris, resigned. Carricd. Composition of the Board of Directors therefore was as follows; Fe Ce Allen Walter Je Keoler . Ce Ce Stewart We Je Baumgartner ~~ Karl Klooz Walter G. Thiele George Bradshaw De We Malott Esther Twente Howard Engleman Drew McLaughlin Leslie Waters Porter Fones Elizabeth Meguiar Henry Werner Irving Hill . Martha Peterson Joan Woodward Ogden Jones Richard B. Stevens Moved by Mr. Stewart and seconded by Dr. Allen that all officers be re-clected. Dre Allicn moved and Mr. Stewart consented and seconded his motion